Covid today Italy, Ricciardi: “He will be back in the autumn”

by time news

Covid will return to Italy in the autumn. This is what Walter Ricciardi, consultant to the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, interviewed by RaiNews 24 said. keep an active vaccination campaign in place “.

In need of new doses of the vaccine against Sars-CoV-2 at the moment are “the most fragile people, to which I think health professionals should also be added”, reiterates the professor of Hygiene at the Catholic University. “We are beginning to see” in fact “that those who were vaccinated in October – he underlines – weaken their protection even after the third dose. These are at risk”.

The pandemic is not over “and” if we continue at this rate it will not end soon “, because globally the majority of the population is not vaccinated against Covid-19. “We richer countries must equip ourselves to vaccinate that part of the world too, otherwise the pandemic will not end”. The expert warns against the risk of new variants that with a virus such as Sars-CoV-2, warns, “more than a risk they are a certainty”.

“In fact, there are other areas of the world that are experiencing dramatic situations right now – underlines the professor of Hygiene at the Catholic University – I am thinking of Hong Kong, where mortality is very high and they are unable to assist patients”. At this moment “there is a resurgence in that part of the world, Asia and in some way also Australia and New Zealand. Unfortunately we are dealing with a microorganism that has spread over the whole planet and everything. we have to fight the planet “, urges Ricciardi. “Especially in areas where there is low vaccination coverage – he repeats – we must get the vaccines, until we definitively defeat this pandemic”.

“With an Rna virus – specifies the consultant of Speranza – new variants are certainly created”, even if “we do not know how much they will become of concern, that is, if they will be more contagious and more lethal. We must hope, but above all ensure that they do not select “and this” means vaccinating Africa, vaccinating Asia, vaccinating all areas of the world where vaccination has not reached the majority of the population and where all the most dangerous variants have been generated “which have also arrived in Italy.

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