2024-09-14 09:35:40
Currently, partial financing in the amount of BGN 12,997,096.31 has been provided
The city government of Plovdiv has announced a public contract for BGN 35,700,000 including VAT for the new building of the Mathematical High School “Academic Kiril Popov”. The competition was published this morning and is for engineering – design, author supervision and construction and installation works.
Last Thursday, Deputy Mayor for Education Vladimir Temelkov announced to “24 Chasa”, that the documents were sent to the Public Procurement Agency for approval and were returned with minor corrections. “The order will probably be announced next week,” he said at the time.
The new home of the Mathematics High School has been awaited for 30 years. Now the school shares a building with Dragan Manchov primary school in the “Zapaden” district. Construction is planned to begin about 7 km from there – near the roundabout between St. Petersburg and Osvobozhdenie boulevards.
The contractor will have to erect 3 buildings – “Education block” in the first, “Administration”, “Health” sector and “Library and information center” in the second and “Sport” sector in the third. At the time of the announcement of the public procurement, partial financing in the amount of BGN 12,997,096.31 has been secured.