Arrest in Chumash led to a violent confrontation in the Knesset with Speaker Miki Levy • Watch

by time news

From the Twitter account of Bezalel Smutrich

The most unusual sights were seen this morning (Wednesday) in the Knesset building, when members of the Religious Zionist Party confronted Knesset Speaker MK Miki Levy (Yesh Atid). The riots that almost escalated into violence began following unusual arrests made by the police to a number of Yeshiva students, and Levy’s instruction in violation of the law.

Early in the morning, police detectives arrived and raided the Yeshiva Chumash, one of whose students was killed – Yehuda Dimentman XIV.

During the arrest, unusual sights were seen when the detectives entered the boarding school of Yeshivat Chumash, woke the boys while they slept, put handcuffs on them and arrested them. Meanwhile, in the Knesset plenum, the opposition’s filibuster was being drafted over the eight-year term of the coalition, and members of religious Zionism have seen the difficult scenes from the yeshiva.

Out of anger, members of religious Zionism began shouting in the plenum at right-wing MK Yom Tov Kalfon – and accused him that in the government of which he is a member, “returning to the sights of disengagement like Gush Katif,” they said. Religious out, to the farce.

A farce is the area where Knesset members rest, an area behind the Knesset plenum where there is food and drink and armchairs intended only for MKs and their assistants. But it seems that in this government all records will be broken, including removal from the farce.

Photo: Police spokeswoman

After they were expelled from the plenum, members of Religious Zionism began to confront MK Nir Orbach on the right – about the sights tonight in the said Chumash. Which is in complete violation of the law today.

Rothman was furious with Levy, and began to confront him verbally with the two face to face. At one point, Rothman shouted at him “crazy,” and then Levy lost all his temper. “You will not call me crazy, you will not call me crazy,” he began to scream – when Knesset security guards rushed to separate the two when they almost started a fight. During the confrontation, one of the security guards was slightly injured, and the left was quick to ‘celebrate’ about it.

In a tweet on Twitter, MK Michal Rosin of Meretz wrote that “Struck is raging, banging his fist on a Knesset member’s table, blocking another Knesset member from reaching his seat, and shouting at me quietly. Indeed, a human rights fighter and a great woman. “The chairman of Religious Zionism, MK Bezalel Smutrich, responded to Rosin on Twitter:” I once valued Meretz members as real human rights fighters. I strongly disagreed with them but appreciated. Today, when I see your defense of the police burglary in the middle of the night into the homes of normative families with women and children and turning them into a hallucinatory search to abuse five-year-old settlers, I feel deeply contempt for you. Everything is in your position. “

Earlier, Smutritz tweeted on his Twitter account the arrest in Chumash, the same arrest that led to a confrontation in the Knesset, and wrote: “Settlers of Chumash? The main thing is that Saar promotes the Basic Law of the rights of suspects.

The police said that “8 suspects from Samaria were arrested on suspicion of attacking IDF soldiers and attacking Palestinians in an incident that took place about a month ago in Samaria. “The suspects arrived at a military post with the intention of passing through it and while the soldiers prevented the passage of some of them, the suspects began to confront them, trying to pass by force while pushing and attacking the soldiers and attacking Palestinians in the area.”

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