Herpes Zoster affects over 90% over 50 but only 7% feel at risk

by time news

Over 90% of adults over 50 have already contracted Shinglesthe virus that causes the so-called ‘Shingles’, which remains latent in the body and 1 in 3 adults will develop it in their lifetime. But from a survey conducted by Ipsos Mori in various countries of the world on 2,509 subjects, it was found that, on average, only 7% of people surveyed believe they are at high risk of developing Shingles in the next 10 years. With the aim of contributing to raising citizens’ awareness of the risks of Herpes Zoster, GlaxoSmithKline (Gsk), in collaboration with the International Federation on Aging (Ifa), takes the field through the first global week of awareness raising on this pathology (‘Shingles Awareness Week’), scheduled around the world from February 28 to March 6. In Italy, the initiative is sponsored by the Italian Society of Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Public Health (Siti) and by Cittadinanzattiva.

The first edition of the ‘Shingles Awareness Week‘aims to increase understanding of the impact of Hz and help overcome the commonplaces affecting this pathology. Three main myths to dispel: “I will not take it”, “I have a healthy lifestyle”, “I have already had Shingles in the past”.

The Covid-19 epidemic – reads a GSK note – has made it clear how the loss of strength of our immune system increases the risk of developing infectious diseases. It is the common and irreversible phenomenon of immunosenescence or the biological aging of the immune system as the years advance. But the risk does not only concern those with ‘less performing’ immune defenses due to age: people who are considered fragile because they suffer from chronic diseases or that alter the functionality of the immune system are more exposed.

“The pandemic situation has overwhelmed the world population – he underlines Antonio Ferro, chairman of Siti – and frail patients are the ones who are paying the highest price. If on the one hand they had access to preferential lanes for the anti Sars-CoV-2 vaccination, on the other hand they suffered the slowdown of routine vaccinations, recommended by the National Vaccine Prevention Plan, with particular reference to that against Herpes Zoster. . Let’s talk about hundreds of thousands of patients with diabetes, HIV, cancer and cardiovascular, respiratory and metabolic diseases who risk seeing their quality of life further compromised because of the ‘Fire of St. Anthony’ and its consequences “.

“For example – continues Ferro – diabetics have a 30% increased risk of developing Herpes Zoster infection, with the possibility of showing greater severity and persistence of post-herpetic neuralgia than non-diabetics. But also patients with rheumatoid arthritis. they have a 1.5 to 2 times higher risk of contracting the disease than their peers in the general population, while the incidence of Herpes Zoster in people with solid neoplasms is markedly increased compared to the general population. to the increase in the level of immunosuppression due to both the disease and the treatment “.

Gsk in Italy will support ‘Global Shingles Week’ with an online awareness campaign that reminds us that “The risk of shingles (Herpes Zoster) is here“, and how adults and frail patients can discuss with their doctor to prevent this pathology.” We are pleased to join efforts globally with the International Federation on Aging for this new initiative – explains Barbara Lasagna, Gsk vaccine area manager – kicking off the first week of awareness raising on Herpes Zoster, which in Italy also records the important support of Siti and Cittadinanzattiva. Our common goal is to contribute to the dissemination of useful information to citizens to discuss with their trusted doctor and protect themselves from preventable diseases that can have a significant impact on the quality of life “. “As a global advocate of aging populations – comments Jane M Barratt, Ifa Secretary General – we are delighted to collaborate in this global effort to raise awareness of Shingles and help adults understand the risks and complications associated with this painful disease. “.

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