(ANSA) – ROME, SEPTEMBER 15 – “The centre-right has reached a national political agreement with Alternativa Popolare. Thanks to this agreement, Ap will bring its contribution to the coalition for the next regional elections to be held in Liguria, Umbria and Emilia Romagna”. This was declared in a joint statement by the national heads of the party’s organisation, Giovanni Donzelli (FdI), Francesco Battistoni (FI), Alessandro Colucci (Noi moderateti), the deputy secretary of the League Claudio Durigon, the president of the UDC Antonio De Poli and the national coordinator of Alternativa popolare Stefano Bandecchi. “The agreement – they continue – comes at the end of a long and fruitful discussion between the parties in which they discussed how to broaden the centre-right political forces on shared programmes with the aim of broadening the electoral base on the one hand and, on the other, of tackling the next regional challenges with a common vision of priorities”. “The importance of this agreement lies in having placed the needs of the territories and citizens at the center of our discussions, enhancing the experiences of government already matured by the center-right at local and national level. Furthermore – add Donzelli, Battistoni, Colucci, Durigon, De Poli and Bandecchi – there was a unanimous will to actively involve also the moderate realities and civil society that recognize themselves in the values of the center-right and in its political vision”. (ANSA).
2024-09-15 23:38:42