The United States has prepared a draft law on the rejection of Russian oil | News from Germany about events in the world | DW

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A group of American Republican senators has prepared a bill to stop the United States from importing Russian oil. In a joint statement published on the website of Senator Roger Marshall on Tuesday, March 1, the authors of the bill call on the United States to restore independence in the energy sector and stop funding the military machine of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“U.S. President Biden needs to restart America’s energy production and stop financing Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine by buying crude oil from Russia. Under the previous administration, our country was energy independent, but President Biden reversed course and turned hostile countries like Russia into a gas station station of America,” the statement said.

End energy dependence on Russia

The document notes that in 2021, the United States imported almost 700,000 barrels of oil from Russia daily. The senators emphasize that this must be ended, and as a solution they propose to increase oil and gas production in the United States itself.

“Russia is America’s third-largest oil supplier. Every day, the US and our European allies send hundreds of millions of dollars to Russia for its energy supplies. We can no longer subsidize Russian aggression. We need an all-fuel policy to ensure energy independence, and it cannot be achieved without expanding the role of our oil and gas producers.The Biden administration must restore the Keystone XL pipeline and promote smart solutions that will create new jobs at home and leave our opponents without money,” the senators said.

The statement also states that if President Biden does not take the necessary measures, the bill’s co-sponsors will continue to work in Congress to “bring Vladimir Putin to justice.”

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