Cinema, the Incanto festival is back

by time news

The second edition of the short film festival “Incanto short Film Festival“ was presented in the City Council Hall. It was born in Pesaro thanks to two professionals in the film industry (organizers of the event): Rebecca Cervato and Matteo Damiani, also artistic director. Also present were Silvia Ortolani, artistic director of the Solaris cinema; Olmo Calzolari and Franca Mancinelli, organizers of the Visione laboratories.

“The festival – Rebecca Cervato recalled – confirms the support and the connection with the Municipality of Pesaro, with the cultural association Anima Femina (co-organizer of the event) and with the collaboration of the Solaris cinema. Incanto is a festival dedicated to cinema, short film version, which promotes live meetings with numerous directors, authors, actors and professionals in the sector. The main objective is to promote an active and lively dialogue with the public involving local professionals, established authors and cultural operators of national and international level”.

Then Damiani specified: “The main guest of the Festival will be one of the most important masters of Italian cinema, Franco Piavoli, who will meet the public. The president of the jury will be the director and actress Pilar Fogliani. There will be numerous meetings and talks with the directors and authors of the 26 selected short films but also with the actors Antonio Bannò and Enrico Borello and the director Enrico Maria Artale. The short films will also be evaluated by a popular jury composed of the public who will decide the Audience Award. In addition to the main section, there will also be two other categories: one dedicated to experimental short films, the other to short films from the territory. There will also be a moment dedicated to Stefano Malchiodi, director and creator of the 1st edition of the festival, who passed away prematurely. The festival collaborates with two arts linked to cinema, music and poetry. AnimaFemina, in fact, in addition to organizing the festival, will take care of the musical aspect with two initiatives: the two-voice concert with Frida Neri and Anissa Gouizi, who will present a repertoire of reworkings of some of the most beautiful music in cinema through excerpts from soundtracks that will be rearranged according to a vocal outline and the conference “the magical relationship between music and images” with Francesco De Benedittis, Kristian Sensini and Mauro Santini”.

The program: Friday 20th start of “Incanto Short Film Festival“ from 2:30 pm until evening at the Solaris cinema. At the same time, in the Sala Rossa of the Municipality, the event on poetry will take place, one of the 2 collateral events of the festival. Saturday 21st at 10:30 am screening of the film “Voci nel tempo“. Then the festival, from 2 pm until evening, moves to the Sperimentale. Sunday 22nd at 5 pm Conference on the “magical relationship between music and images“, at Palazzo Gradari. On the 28th at 9 pm at the Solaris, screening and meeting with Enrico Maria Artale.

Luigi Diotalevi

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