In Lucca the Comics&Science Palace reopens with many events between science and fun

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From Tuesday 29 October to Sunday 3 November reopens in via della Zecca in Lucca on Comics&Science Palacea special one free entry area edited by Comics&Science where for six days authors, cartoonists, popularizers, artists of all kinds together with institutions, institutes, museums and foundations, will give life to a very rich program of events.

Comics&Science born in 2012 as a section of the festival’s cultural programming Lucca Comics&Games. Since 2013 it is a scientific communication projectwhich revolves around a series of comics CNR Editionspublishing label of the National Research Council.

The aim of the project is promote the relationship between science and entertainment, in the belief that both constitute important formative moments for growth.

All the editorial news from Comics&Science Palace

The second 2024 release of the regular series of Comics&Science It is a real crossover born from the collaboration with the historic publishing house Astorina, which has been publishing the stories of Diabolik, the character created by the Giussani sisters. The story, dedicated to the theme of climate change, is written by Giovanni Eccher and illustrated by Giuseppe Palumbo, two C&S veterans, who together were already authors of The Leonardo Issue and The MUDEM Issue. The scientific supervision of this new title is by the popular physicist Antonello Pasini.

The Ocean Exploration Issue: Alessio Spataro (The Quaternary Issue) is back on board Comics&Science, as well as a ship equipped for oceanographic exploration and drilling of the seabed… the cartoonist from Catania but now Roman by adoption will talk about the Joides Resolution, a ship equipped for deep-sea drilling, on a mission in the Tyrrhenian Sea.

It will come out “The Biodiversity Issue a special issue, a spin-off of the regular series born as part of the dissemination activities of the scientific communication project NBFC – National Biodiversity Future Center, coordinated by the University of Padua under the supervision of Telmo Pievani.

Another special album: The Evolution Issue in collaboration with the Department of Biology of the University of Bologna. A very funny story by Walter Leoni dedicated to the theme of evolution. A scientific theory often misunderstood or misunderstood, full of biases and historical falsehoods, which Walter Leoni recounts through the figure of the naturalist Charles Darwin and his musical The Origin of Species.

The meetings on stage

Beating heart of the Comics&Science Palace It is the stage, with a schedule of events that goes from 9:00 to 22:00 with shows, presentations, talks and games which will alternate every day.

Every morning from 9:00 to 10:00, in tribute to Lupo Alberto’s 50th birthday the official cartoons of the most beloved blue wolf of all time will be screened, with breakfast offered. A little treat to start the long, hard day of events in the best possible way.

On stage, among the many events, we would like to point out Veronesi Foundation for the presentation of the Smogville board game, sequel to the award-winning video game of the same name developed together with Giovanni Eccher and Gabriele Peddes.

There is also space for space, with Beyond the net to the stars, the presentation of the IRIDE satellite project, by theEuropean Space Agency – ESAwith the participation of Andrea Lucchettabeloved volleyball champion.

The Comics&Science formats are also back by popular demand, such as Kicks & Spits, panel of team debate with no holds barred. A very tough match of confrontation between opposing and controversial opinions, where the public can not only intervene with questions and comments, but above all with their vote they can decree winners and losers.

Or FreeStory, another great classic from C&S, a show in which a designer and an author make themselves available to the public to create a live comic story, in real time, based on the audience’s input. And

The meetings on stage will be graphically commented by the trained and very attentive hand of Gabriele Peddes, which will create suggestive visual maps to “photograph” the salient contents of each meeting.

In Lucca the Comics&Science Palace reopens with many events between science and fun

Wolf Albert

Special events

For the first time the Comics&Science Palace will host “Comedy&Science – A name, a destiny…” a special evening of stand up comedy, an open mic (as they say in slang) hosted by the multifaceted screenwriter Diego Cajelli, in the role of “comic tamer”.

The evening will be presented by Birra di Mezzo, craft brewery which, in addition to bringing to Lucca a new special flavor created specifically for the event, will organize exquisite tastings of their catalog every evening.

The science communicator Luke Perri will entertain with fun encounters spanning two of his great passions: astrophysics and cinema.

Lupo Alberto turns 50 and does it in Lucca: the main names of Italian comics will celebrate the iconic character of Guido “Silver” Silvestri, paying homage to him with one of their own drawings.

All the works produced will be on sale – with a free offering starting from €25.00 – at the bookshop and the entire proceeds, at Silver’s express wish, will be donated to EMERGENCY in support of the association’s initiatives and campaigns.

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