INPS, access to the credit fund before retirement

by time news

Rome, September 17, 2024 – (We publish an extract of the following article to be read in its entirety by connecting to the link indicated at the end of the paragraph) – Joining the INPS credit fund allows workers to benefit from some concessions in the case of credit or the advance of the TFS, also valid for the Military.

The Single Management of Credit and Social Benefits was established by Law 662/1996 and provides a series of credit and social benefits to both members and their families, including for example the provision of small loans on advantageous terms or mortgages for the purchase of a first home, training and education, benefits for non-self-sufficient people, residential hospitality, study trips and well-being. For the financing, active employees pay a contribution of 0,35% of the contributory and pensionable salary, while the contribution paid by pensioners is equal to 0,15% of the gross amount of the pension (unless the amount is less than or equal to the minimum treatment in which case nothing is due).

As is known, as a rule, all the Fund’s assets are compulsorily insured. active public employees registered with the public administration (ex-INPDAP). Public employees in activity who are not registered with the public management can optionally join the management within 30 days of hiring or from the transfer. Upon termination of service, membership in the Fund is lost, except for the interested party you do not communicate by the last day of service your intention to continue it even after retirement.

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