Who is Miguel Angel Treviño Morales? The so-called “Z 40” and leader of the Zetas could be exonerated

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¿Who is Miguel Angel Trevino Morales “Z 40″? This is one of the former leaders of the criminal group The Zetas that appeared in the register of missing persons.

Miguel Angel Trevino Morales “Z 40″He has faced 13 criminal proceedings since his arrest in 2013, but has been acquitted of 11 of them, although he is about to be exonerated of the remaining two.

But,Who is Miguel Angel Trevino Morales?Here we tell you the story of the feared “Z40″ what He was one of the leaders of the bloodthirsty criminal group Los Zetas.

Miguel Angel Trevino Morales, the “Z 40”

Who is Miguel Angel Trevino Moralez “Z 40”? Violent former leader of the Zetas

Around Miguel Angel Trevino Moralesaka the “Z40″there are various stories that paint him as one of the most violent and bloodthirsty drug traffickers from Mexico.

The above is because Miguel Ángel Treviño Morales is attributed with acts such as dismemberment and dissolution in acid of the victims who fell into the hands of the Zetas.

In December 2023, media outlets revealed that the former leader of the Zetas, Known for his bloodthirsty conduct, he was on the register of missing persons.

In response to this, the head of the Ministry of the Interior (Segob), Luisa María Alcalde, clarified at AMLO’s morning conference on December 14, that the boss actually is detained.

How old is Miguel Angel Trevino Morales “Z 40″?

Born in Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas in 1970, so Miguel Angel Trevino Morales is 53 years old.

What zodiac sign is Miguel Angel Trevino Morales “Z 40″?

Because the birthday date of Miguel Angel Trevino Morales would be on November 18th“Z 40″ is from zodiac sign Scorpio.

Who is the wife of Miguel Angel Trevino Morales “Z 40″?

It is pointed out Juanita del Carmen Rios Hernandez as wife of Miguel Angel Trevino Moraleswho is also on the United States’ most wanted list.

Juanita del Carmen Rios Hernandez She was identified as the main shareholder of a medical company in Monterrey, which would have been founded by Miguel Angel Trevino Moralesaccording to the DEA.

How many children does Miguel Angel Trevino Morales “Z 40” have?

Although it is unknown whether Miguel Angel Trevino Morales He has children, yes he is part of a large family, since there are 14 siblings, several of them would be members of Los Zetas.

What did Miguel Angel Trevino Morales “Z 40” study?

The level of education of the Miguel Angel Trevino MoralesHowever, among his story it is mentioned that speaking English, after migrating to the United States as a child, helped him became leader of Los Zetas.

What has Miguel Angel Trevino Morales “Z 40” worked on?

The intelligence services of Mexico and the United States identified that the “Z40″ He headed several of the most inhuman actions that the criminal group used to carry out.

The journalist Alfredo Corchado narrated in his libro “Midnight in Mexico”that the “Z40″ even He killed hitmen in his service for not having the blood to participate in executions.

In this regard, the book tells that the boss put a loaded gun in the hand of a hitman and ordered him to point at someone else, in order to measure the subordinate’s courage.

If the hitman showed nervousness and hesitated before the order to shoot, Miguel Angel Trevino Morales the he shot himself in the headalthough if he was in a better mood, he would send him to another area.

However, Miguel Angel Trevino Morales would start from his adolescence to selling drugs and stealing car parts with the Los Tejas gang in the United States.

Allegedly, Miguel Angel Trevino Morales was recruited in 1997 in the Gulf Cartel, where he started out washing cars and being a messenger, and later became Tony Tormenta’s hitman.

Following his arrest in 2013 and subsequent transfer to Cefereso 17, The “Z 40” took control of the Michoacán prisonaccording to a 2021 complaint made by prisoners and workers.

Who is Miguel Angel Treviño Morales? The so-called “Z 40” and leader of the Zetas could be exonerated

Miguel Angel Trevino, the Z40 (Darkroom)

Miguel Ángel Treviño Morales could avoid extradition and be free of all criminal proceedings

He “Z 40” is about to be exoneratedsince he has been spared 11 of the 13 criminal proceedings against him, initiated since his capture in 2013, in addition to the fact that he would be on the verge of evading extradition to the United States.

According to its current legal situation, Miguel Angel Trevino Morales was not convicted for the Casino Royal fire in 2011 and the murder of candidate Rodolfo Torre Cantú in 2010: he was granted freedom due to lack of evidence.

And in a letter dated August 21, Miguel Angel Trevino Morales He pointed out that according to the opinions of Ken Salazar, the United States ambassador to Mexico, cannot be extradited.

According to the “Z 40″, if the jury received information What is it about? leader of Los Zetasas it Ken Salazar saidcannot receive a fair trial; he currently faces two extradition orders, in Texas and Washington.

The United States Embassy in Mexico responds to AMLO after announcing

Ken Salazar, United States Ambassador to Mexico (Mario Jasso/Cuartoscuro)

The “Z40” was arrested in 2013 in a non-violent operation

Contrary to the violent acts that characterized him as leader of the Zetas, Miguel Angel Trevino Morales was arrested in an operation in which no action was taken not a single shot.

While traveling on an unpaved road located about 27 kilometers southwest of New Laredo, Tamaulipasthe “Z40” was surprised by elements of the Navy.

Seeing himself overwhelmed by the uniformed officers who had the support of a Black Hawk helicopterMiguel Ángel Treviño Morales surrendered and decided to give himself up without a fight.

Thus, without him and his hitmen displaying the violence that characterized him as the head of the criminal group, the “Z40” was arrested and detained in a federal prison in Chiapas.

Regarding the situation of the capo, Luisa María Alcalde clarified that he remains detained to date, despite the fact that his name was in the records of missing persons.

Miguel Angel Trevino alias Z-40

Miguel Angel Trevino alias Z-40 (State Secretariats / State Secretaries)

2024-09-17 12:33:25

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