Even after Chuseok, the ruling and opposition parties’ council remains empty-handed

by times news cr

Han Dong-hoon “chain contact with medical community during holiday period”
Representative of the department: “I have never communicated with Korea”
With continuous demands for “more concessions to the medical community”
Opposition: “A consultative body is difficult without a government alternative”

On the 18th, the last day of the Chuseok holiday, People Power Party leader Han Dong-hoon said to the government and the opposition party, “I ask you to be more proactive and flexible,” and added, “It is clear that this will not be resolved as time passes and will only get more difficult.” It has been reported that during the holiday, Han met with medical professionals one-on-one to persuade them to participate in the bipartisan parliamentary consultative body. While the medical community continues to demand a change in the government’s attitude and refuses to participate, the Democratic Party of Korea has shifted responsibility to the ruling party for the failure to form the bipartisan consultative body before Chuseok, saying, “It’s like (the government) deliberately kicking the table away.”

Representative Han said on this day, “During the Chuseok holiday, I am meeting with various medical professionals individually to hear their positions and ask them to participate in the ruling and opposition party consultation body.” Representative Han continued to contact the medical community on this day as well.

On the other hand, Park Dan, the emergency response committee chairman of the Korean Intern Residents Association (DIRA), officially denied the claim that he has been in continuous communication with Representative Han, drawing a line. Regarding People Power Party spokesperson Jeong Gwang-jae’s statement on the 13th that “Representative Han has been in continuous communication with Chairman Park through unofficial channels,” Chairman Park stated, “Trust cannot be built on lies and fabrications. I regret it once again.” He then said, “Even in early June, before he ran for the party leadership, and even in late July, right after he was elected, Representative Han, who had emphasized to the press that dialogue was important, continuously refused to meet with us,” and “Since that one private meeting, the DRA has not communicated with Representative Han.”

As the medical vacuum continues, concerns are also rising about the ruling party’s declining approval rating. In particular, ruling party lawmakers who have been looking into their constituencies during the holiday have been demanding that “we should make more concessions to the medical community and bring doctors to the negotiating table.” A first-term lawmaker from the metropolitan area said, “There has been a lot of criticism that the ruling party is not responding in a coordinated manner and making the people anxious,” and a senior lawmaker from the Chungcheong region said, “There are many concerns that we are not responding properly to the political conflict.”

The Democratic Party maintains its position that “the participation of key medical organizations is essential for the launch of the ruling and opposition party council.” A key member of the Democratic Party said, “Even if we discuss it without the medical community, we won’t be able to produce meaningful results,” and “As of now, it seems difficult to form a council of the ruling and opposition parties unless the government comes up with alternatives such as adjusting the number of medical school students next year.” On the 15th, Representative Lee Jae-myung visited the head of the Jogye Order, Ven. Jinwoo, and said, “I think it would be helpful in easing the conflict if elders from the religious community step forward.”

Reporter Choi Hye-ryeong [email protected]
Reporter Yoon Myeong-jin [email protected]
Reporter Park Kyung-min [email protected]

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2024-09-19 00:31:34

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