Capezzone: Israel has the right to defeat the terrorists who want to destroy it

by time news

2024-09-19 11:28:00

It is very understandable that the Islamic terrorist organizations and their friends around the world are crying. At most, one can smile sharply at the surreal notes coming from Tehran and Moscow. The regime of the ayatollahs, the real head of the snake that has poisoned the entire region for years, had the shame to evoke the concept of “genocide”: the Israeli attack on Hezbollah’s communication equipment would indeed, “proof of genocide”, according to Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani. And so, reversing the roles, the very state that wants to destroy Israel and funds terrorist organizations claims that it is Jerusalem that “again endangers the peace and security of the region”.

The statement from Moscow signed by the ineffable Maria Zakharova, spokeswoman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, who – with mock contempt – asked “all interested parties to exercise moderation” is no less bleak. All we needed was the praise of moderation that the Kremlin put in black and white.

But the main thing for us – not to be surprised – is that the same sadness can be felt in the reports and opinions of the Italian newspapers and many Western media, which are unable to distinguish between a democratic state like Israel and Islamic beasts. terror.

From that point of view, it should be remembered instead that after October 7, everyone – from Washington to Brussels – agreed on the objective of destroying Hamas as well as the other fundamental terrorist organizations.

Today, however, vagueness is rampant (this is the case of the US secretary of state Blinken, who limited himself to confirm that the Americans were not aware of the activity of the Israeli services) or a terrible ambiguity as in declarations the usual. Borrell, the outgoing EU diplomatic chief, was quick to “criticize” Jerusalem. Even UN Secretary-General Guterres was not shy, ritualistically pointing out the danger of “escalation”. Around the Glass Palace, there is also controversy regarding the use of civilian objects for this attack: the small details that they are instruments physically used by a terrorist network are omitted. And then it will be time to put together some basic concepts that too many have forgotten. First: Hezbollah (like Hamas and Islamic Jihad) clearly has terrorist objectives, rather than a blurred distinction between “political wing” and “military wing”. In this sense, it is ridiculous and mysterious that the Italian media continues to use the expression “militia” in reference to those who were and are soldiers of terror.

Second: Israel has every intention (and does it very well) not only to oppose these organizations on the field, but also to infiltrate them in the field of their internal communications. Hezbollah believed for months that telephone communications were no longer secure, and for that reason its members had resorted to using pagers. With a great display of force and an admirable act of intelligence, Israel has shown that it knows all this, that it can even remotely intervene in that supply chain, and therefore that all affiliates of the organization could be a sight.


In addition, Israeli intelligence struck yesterday for the second time in two days, blasting thousands of walkie-talkies and military radios in Lebanon at the same time, which canceled an additional communication network available to terrorists.

Therefore, Hezbollah (with its sponsors in Tehran) is forced to take into account that Jerusalem is in a state of excellence, and has put itself in a position to prevent any form of secure communication between the terrorists. And all the pawns of the Islamist supply chain – from the top to the last terrorist – know that they can be killed from home, even on the territory of Iran, as happened recently with one of the super leaders of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, or hit. through any technological tool, even the most rudimentary. The Israelis have been very successful in inflicting fear and humiliation, not to mention outright panic, on terrorist organizations.

Third. It is understandable that the Jerusalem services were under attack after the events of October 7, when there was an objective debacle in the Israeli security system. The events of the last few months show a sensational revenge, with an undoubted successful sequence.

Fourth. It is extremely significant that the Iranian ambassador to that country was injured the other day in Lebanon, with his caller also in his hand: an unmistakable sign of how the diplomatic network of the Ayatollahs manages the terrorist networks in the region, or as less. it is an integral part of it.

But above all – drawing conclusions – the decisive matter remains to be considered. For months, critics of Israel have claimed (at this point we can say it: ironically) that targeted intelligence activities are preferable to traditional military initiatives. But then, when such actions were implemented by the Israeli services, as happened in the last two days, these did not go down well with the beautiful souls anymore.

The fact is that Israel is reminding everyone of a notion that has unfortunately been forgotten in the West: victory against the enemy means exactly “victory”, not drawing, not going through, not seeking fragile compromises. It means defeating him in the field, killing and capturing his leaders, defeating him militarily, eliminating or compromising his operational network, blocking his communications, making him unable to strike again. It is to be feared that more than one person in our capitals is unhappy with all this.

#Capezzone #Israel #defeat #terrorists #destroy

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