“Palermo schools overwhelmed by ancestral hunger, more ATA staff needed”

by time news

Note – This press release has been published in its entirety as an external contribution. This content is therefore not an article produced by the PalermoToday editorial team

In our view, school is not a closed environment separated from the rest of the world, where one lives a reality that is alien to society, but rather a place of growth and sharing, where one learns civil coexistence, to know the world and to develop a critical sense. In the coming years, teaching will be revolutionized thanks to algorithms and intelligent technologies. With virtual reality, everything will change, even the ability to memorize. Those of my age will agree that what saved us from boredom at school, for a long time, was imagination. That ability to go beyond textbooks without pictures or monotonous lessons. Thanks to technological innovation, the school system can become increasingly accessible to those with disabilities. In the case of students with linguistic, visual or auditory differences, for example, it is through artificial intelligence that the gap in learning can be reduced.

In recent years, projects involving the use of virtual reality have multiplied in Italy. Try to imagine geography class, which through a visor virtually explores the site Canyon de Chelly, Chinle, just as if you were in Arizona, or touch with your hands the suspended stones that are found in Wiltshire, England – Stonehenge, Salisbury. Try to imagine eliminating space-time barriers and taking students to the Moon. But there is not only this. The educational model must inevitably adapt to new realities, there is a need for technological innovation and a lot of staff. We cannot continue to be overwhelmed by ancestral hunger, it is true that there is a need for technology, but also for ATA staff declares Mucci. The world of school must approach this new paradigm trying to understand how to best exploit emerging technologies, how to encourage the conscious use of technological devices with the possibility of expanding learning environments declares Mucci of the General School Union.

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