Zovi, nature the only free place left, let’s defend it – Science and Technology

by times news cr

(ANSA) – PORDENONE, 20 SEPTEMBER – “Let’s avoid leaving signs of our passage in nature. An inestimable asset, to which politicians pay little attention”. This is the appeal launched by Daniele Zovi, presenting “Sulle Alpi” (Raffaello Cortina Editore) at the Pordenonelegge festival.
“But we have to go to nature, go back to frequenting the woods that we had forgotten about – he added – It does us good, it helps us grow, it increases the awareness of being part of this world. A feeling that, in truth, I have seen grow, especially in recent years after the pandemic”.
“The problem remains that the increase in the number of visitors could change the appearance of these places – the writer warns – We need the utmost respect because nature is the only free place left, you don’t have to pay a ticket, you just need to have the right equipment, you can go there without asking anyone’s permission. Everything else costs, starting with parking: it seems incredible, but even standing still with your car has a cost”.
“This experience of ours in nature enriches us – concluded the author – because it reconnects us to the community. There is, however, the warning of the advancement of the forest, which is increasingly consistent. We are faced with the phenomenon of forestation: in the last 100 years, in Italy, and in the Alps in particular, the forest surface has doubled because marginal agriculture in the mountains and hills has been abandoned. Depopulation is the real enemy to defeat”. (ANSA).

2024-09-20 13:39:14

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