23 dead in traffic accidents: President Boric’s assessment of the first three days of the National Holidays

by times news cr

2024-09-20 21:06:48

From Amengual Park in Pudahuel, Boric made a call to citizens following the negative death toll figures in the first days of Fiestas Patrias.

A total of 23 people died in traffic accidents during the first three days of the celebration of Fiestas Patrias in the country, according to the balance sheet delivered by President Gabriel Boric on the weekend prior to the 18th.

The head of state referred to the issue when he went this morning to the Amengual Park in Pudahuel, where he reported on the Inspection and public order work to be carried out during the National Holidays.

After confirming the 23 deaths in traffic accidents in his first report of the 18th, the president warned that “the vast majority of them were the result of people who were driving under the influence of alcohol or speeding“.

“Another fault that is very common these days is that, in order to gain a few meters or gain a few minutes, A pedestrian crosses in unauthorized places“, stressed President Boric.

In this sense, he called for “celebrating and doing so responsibly, taking care of each other and taking care of each other. That is why we are going to be stubborn in insisting that Only attend events that are authorized with the appropriate safety and health measures. Do not drive if you have consumed alcohol“Your life and the lives of people you don’t know are too important,” he stressed.

The head of state called for “not taking the… I have no other word than Stupid decision to look at your cell phone while driving. And I think that in this we have to be tough, we have to be clear, because, I insist, your life or that of someone you don’t know is at stake.”

Inspections will continue throughout the country

On the occasion, the president confirmed that due to the extra long Fiestas Patrias Inspections will continue throughout the country during these days.so that when the next assessment is made, the death toll does not increase.

“There will be different services and officials working so that everyone can have a good time. By the way, with Carabineros and Carabineros deployed throughout the national territory“, accurate.

The PDI will also be carrying out controls and safeguarding the safety of citizens.. The Ministry of Transport is monitoring traffic to ensure that transfers are carried out safely, as well as administrative aspects, and the Ministry of Health will be monitoring the sale of food,” he explained below.

President Gabriel Boric concluded his remarks by stating that “we will all be there to ensure that you have a good time and that we have a good time together, that we have a good time responsibly. I insist, do not drive drunk, if you are going to drink, hand over the keys, if you are going to drink, do not go out in the car, your life and that of another person who deserves the peace of mind of being able to enjoy themselves safely is at stake in this.” Let’s enjoy, have a good time and celebrate together this long 18th year that we have ahead of us“, he concluded.

On the occasion, President Boric was accompanied by the Minister of the Interior, Carolina Tohá; Minister of Health, Ximena Aguilera; the Undersecretary of Transport, Jorge Daza Lobos; the acting general director of Carabineros, Marcelo Araya; the presidential delegate of the Metropolitan Region, Gonzalo Durán, and the mayor of Pudahuel, Ítalo Bravo.

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