Despite the government’s invitation to dialogue, former president Evo Morales announced that the March to Save Bolivia will enter the city of La Paz from the four cardinal points.
He highlighted the initiative of the People’s General Staff to facilitate the entry to the seat of government. He stated that it is “intelligent.”
He anticipated that the mobilization will enter from areas such as the Yungas, from the part of the lake and Río Abajo.
He warned that the government already intends to stop the march at Ventilla and may be bringing violent groups from Santa Cruz for that purpose.
According to Morales, the government would have offered positions to miners in exchange for attacking the march, but they refused.
The march is expected to arrive in La Paz next week, although Morales did not specify the exact day.
Regarding the government’s invitation to dialogue for this Friday afternoon, Morales limited himself to saying that he would not comment on anything, as he has nothing official.
The march proclaims demands such as fuel supply, dollar circulation, and the prices of the basic family basket, however, the government claims that the only reason for the “evismo” is to impose Morales’ candidacy. /Erbol