The guide of science Po: we take the same and start again!

by time news

2024-09-21 13:00:00

In turmoil for months (years?), Sciences Po has appointed its new director. So Luis Vassy will take over the management of the institute, after Mathias Vicherat was fired due to an investigation into domestic violence. Regular and enarque of the famous Senghor promotion, he also knows Emmanuel Macron well.

You don’t change the team, it seems. There is no great surprise, therefore, when we learn of the appointment of Luis Vassy at the head of the Sciences Po Franco-Uruguayan, he came to dance a handful of political refugees, who started his son at the Lycée Louis-le – Big. in Paris. He continued with ENS, Sciences Po Paris and ENA, where he was at the same promotion as Emmanuel Macron and Mathias Vicherat. In short, it ticks all the boxes.

He began his career as a Foreign Affairs Adviser within the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs and cut his teeth in Global by defending the idea that French elites must Different. Whether. His work then took him to the French Embassy in Washington, then to the Ministry of Defense with Jean-Yves Le Drian. There, he was instrumental in drafting a sales contract for twelve DCNS submarines to Australia. ” The deal of the century », which would later be canceled by Australia, became a real embarrassment for France. In June 2019, he was appointed French ambassador to the Netherlands by Emmanuel Macron. He then spent time at the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, before entering the position of director of Sciences Po.

It was almost a formality: both the board of the Institute of Political Studies (IEP) and the board of directors of the National Foundation of Political Sciences (FNSP) voted in favor. As reported The pointThe boss of the DGSE Nicolas Lerner also made great qualities for him: “It is the same as twenty years ago, in a simple base, very pleasant, very healthy, with great numbers of people, the knowledge that rare, it’s brilliant,” he said in July.

So, will Sciences Po get back on track? According to him, we must “consider the three reforms” of the company: examine the image, project and management, without forgetting of course, placing Europe in the center of the triptych. Something which, for the time being, is concrete in name only. Given his work, it’s hard to imagine him actually repairing the famous machine. At this time, it would seem advisable to calm things down as much as possible.

Whatever his plans, once Emmanuel Macron is appointed director of Sciences Po, he will have his work cut out for him.

#guide #science #start

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