After the VAR test: No change in the rabbinate law has passed

by time news

(Photo: Jonathan Zindel / Flash 90)

Another riot in the Knesset plenum, and once again MK Nir Orbach on the right is pushing for it.

Orbach, who represents the Conservative wing of the coalition, asked Silman not to vote. But an exercise by the opposition has led to a situation in which the coalition has no majority, Michaeli said she does not participate, and Orbach is required to vote in favor of the bill. And this is where the rush started.

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Voting in the Plenum and the Riot (Knesset Channel)

Orbach stood in the plenum, refusing to participate in the vote, and only after the Knesset secretary had finished the rounds, he announced that he was voting in favor. Michaeli tried to change the decision and vote, but was told it was too late. The opposition claims that it was already after the end of the vote. The coalition says the vote was OK. Members of the Knesset attacked the Knesset secretary and deputy speaker, Emily Moati, who chaired the meeting and called out to Silman: “I do not need to be replaced, I am getting along. Thanks”.

Ahmad Tibi, the deputy speaker of the Knesset, announced from the microphone in the plenum that the voting had ended and therefore the result should be announced. The plenum was dispersed to check with Knesset channel cameras when Orbach voted.

After examination: Auerbach did not vote – the law fell

After checking the Knesset channel videos, the Knesset’s legal advisers determined that Auerbach did not vote in time.

Orbach himself, announced that in order to go out of his way, he announces that he does not want such an important law to pass with a question mark, so he announces that he is not voting. Thus, the vote ended with 51 supporters against 51 opponents and the bill did not pass.

MK Yitzhak Pindros (Torah Judaism) in response to the overthrow of the Rabbinate Law with the support of MK Nir Orbach: Concerning the people of Israel, the Torah of Israel and the Land of Israel, at least as other members of the coalition know how to stand up for themselves. “

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