Kim Kardashian and Kenya West are divorced

by time news

At a good time. Kim Kardashian and Kenya West are singlePhoto: Instagram

A little over a year after it became known thatKim Kardashian andKanye West Divorced, the couple officially divorced today (Wednesday).

A few hours ago, the final hearing in the couple’s case was held, at the end of which the judge declared the two single. About three months ago, Kardashian sought to expedite the separation proceedings and asked the court to make a separation between the hearings on their marital status and the hearings on the terms of custody of their children and their joint assets. The court granted the request and as stated, has now declared that the two are legally separated.

While Kardashian’s lawyer was present and the star took part in it via video call, West was not present at all and will be represented by his new lawyer, who was hired only today. The lawyer, Samantha SpectorPresented to the court three conditions demanded by the star before agreeing to the divorce: the first of which was that the arrangements for the distribution of funds between the two parties would be maintained in the event that one of them died – a condition approved by the judge.

The other two terms he presented, however, were ruled out by Judge: West sought to ban Kim from transferring assets from one of her funds, as well as to prohibit her from forcing her future spouses to sign confidentiality agreements regarding their relationship (or in other words: West wanted the couple to come After that it will be possible to talk and get dirty about the star as they please). As stated, the judge refused to approve the last two conditions.

Testified that she is

Testified that she was “eager to divorce.” West and KardashianPhoto: Gettyimages

Although it is not customary to congratulate ex-spouses on their recent divorce, in this case Kardashian certainly deserves congratulations: the star spoke openly about her desire to divorce West as soon as possible, and already in December she told the court: “I long to divorce.”

West, on the other hand, has repeatedly stated that he does not intend to give up the marriage so easily, and has reportedly even tried to slow down the divorce proceedings and repeatedly challenged the financial agreement the two signed before their marriage. In addition, the star was not happy with his lawyers – just hours before the divorce proceedings were completed, he fired the fourth of them. Associates of the outgoing lawyer, Chris MelcherWere told that West was indecisive and constantly moved between his desire to divorce and his desire to fight for marriage.

Recently, Kardashian expressed her displeasure that West often shared with his followers personal details about their relationship and her relationship with her current partner, Pete Davidson. West complained, among other things, to surfers that Kardashian prevented him from seeing his children and said that he was angry that she was giving birth to their eldest daughter. North Post tic tac videos. When Kardashian asked him to stop talking about her, West publicly posted the correspondence between them, as well as a message Davidson sent him in an attempt to straighten things out. He even bought a house near the residence of Kardashian and the children, claiming it was his only way to see them.

The couple started dating together in 2012 and got married about two years later. They have 4 children: North (8), Saint (6), Chicago (4) fSalem (2).

Hope you laugh like that again in the future.  Kardashian and West (Gettyimages)

Hope you laugh like that again in the future. Kardashian and WestGettyimages

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