PAN ignites debate in San Lázaro by recalling AMLO’s opposition to militarization

by times news cr

The debate in the Chamber of Deputies It was lit this afternoon when the deputy Miguel Angel Monraz Ibarra (PAN) He went up to the podium to speak against the ruling that incorporates the National Guard into the Ministry of National Defense (Sedena) and showed photographs of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador and the leader of Morena, Mario Delgado, holding signs in which they reject the militarization of the country.

“What do these images remind you of? What were they saying and what were they thinking at that time? Now it turns out that they have…”, the deputy began and was immediately silenced by shouts of: “it is an honor to be with Obrador,” coming from the seats of the official block.

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The acting president of the board of directors, Kenya Lopez Rabadan (PAN) He asked the legislators to continue with the session and to calm down since there are still many hours left in the debate.

Once tempers had calmed, Monraz Ibarra continued with his speech, but the pro-government deputies went to the foot of the platform to show the posters with which they support the reform to the National guard.

“What a poor memory. Selective memory because they do not remember those moments when they were tearing their clothes because of the presence of the military in the streets.

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“This government of the fourth deformation has become the government of the dead, the government of the disappeared, accomplices of crime, it is the most violent government of the modern era. Its security strategy “It is a failure. It portends a bloodier and more violent future,” Monraz Ibarra said.

Accompanied by part of his bench, he also showed images of a message from the former senator Citlalli Hernandez on social media, the one who wrote that if AMLO were president, the Army would return to its barracks and stop performing public security functions.

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The mood calmed down and although the deputy later Paulo Martinez Lopezalso from the PAN bench, went up to the podium with the same signs, there was no reaction from the official bloc.


2024-09-22 00:47:14

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