Gen Z Turns to TikTok for Career Advice: Discover the Universe of #CareerTok

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Gen Z Turns to TikTok for Career Advice: Discover the Universe of #CareerTok

The phenomenon of TikTok and its influence on the world of work have taken hold, particularly among young people. The Gen Zseeking guidance for their career, are increasingly turning to this platform, giving rise to the popular niche called #CareerTok. According to a recent study by EduBirdiea growing number of young people are seeking advice on how to navigate the job market through short, engaging videos from TikTok.

#CareerTok: What it is and why it is so popular

A refuge for the Gen Z

With the entry into play of TikTokthe Gen Z has found an unheard-of source of career advice. Many young people faced with the challenge of charting a career path feel the need for accessible, fast resources. An in-depth analysis of EduBirdie in 2023 revealed that 70% of young people interviewed consulted TikTok to get career advice; of these, 19% recognized social media as their main source of guidance.

Hashtags like #CareerAdvice, #JobSearchTips e #DreamJob have become trends, attracting the interest of those looking for practical and quick solutions to enter or thrive in the world of work. The rapid availability of content, combined with the usability of the platform, has made TikTok an alternative to traditional job search resources.

The impact of TikTok on career choices

The power of TikTok goes beyond simple entertainment: 46% of study participants confirmed that the platform has significantly influenced their career choices, and almost half of the respondents have directly benefited their career. Following the trends of the #CareerTokyoung people learn how to approach interviews, set goals and even ask for promotions. As a result, TikTok wanted to capitalize on this growing interest in the topic of work by launching the TikTok LIVE Careers Weekan event that attracted over 369,000 views and saw collaborations with training institutions and recruiters.

The main tips of #CareerTok for the Gen Z

How to Negotiate a Higher Salary

One of the predominant themes on #CareerTok is salary negotiation, a crucial topic for the Gen Z. TikTokers of the caliber of Aydan Al-Saad e Henry Nelson-Case offer valuable tips on how to approach this sensitive topic. Common guidelines include the importance of informing your manager of your salary expectations and using market data to support your request. Collecting tangible evidence of your work results and showing how you have contributed to the company’s success is essential to making a balanced raise request.

In essence, content creators insist that To get a raise you need to be proactive, rather than waiting for opportunities to arise spontaneously..

How to get your dream job

Another stimulating aspect of #CareerTok is represented by the search for the “dream job.” With over 428,800 posts dedicated to this topic, young users share different and varying views on the concept of an ideal job. Flexibility, job satisfaction, and a good work-life balance are all key elements that emerge in the videos. Tips include the importance of researching your desired industry and committing to developing the skills needed to succeed.

Nelson-Case also recommends Treat the job search process as a personal selling strategywhere it is essential to clarify your goals and look for companies that match your expectations. These tips are a fundamental starting point for those who seek to realize their professional dream with determination and strategy.

Industry Change: How to Deal with It

Adapting to the evolution of work

Flexibility and adaptability have become increasingly valued virtues in today’s work environment. Gen Z demonstrates an increasing propensity to change professional sector in search of better and more satisfying opportunities. This desire for change is also linked to the search for a job that promises personal and professional growth.

Aydan Al-Saad and other influencers from #CareerTok share that, for those who want to embark on a new path, it is essential to highlight the transferable skills already acquired. Despite the initial difficulties that may arise, content creators suggest remain open to new experiences and learn as much as possible from people already active in the new area of ​​interest.

Develop new skills and experiences

Educating yourself on the new skills required and taking the time to learn them is one of the best tips for success in a new field. Platforms full of educational resources, such as Skillstorethey are excellent for learn at a distancewhile hands-on experience is essential to succeed in a new market. Finally, building and maintaining a portfolio of contacts is vital to gaining opportunities and referrals in the new industry.

Dealing with conflict in the workplace

Conflict management as an essential skill

Conflicts and frictions in the workplace are an inevitable reality. The creators of #CareerTok recommend addressing conflicts directly and calmly, recognizing that open and constructive dialogue is the key to solving them. Conflicts, if managed properly, can also be an opportunity to improve professional relationships.

Lauren Spearman emphasizes that Face-to-face communication is often a more effective tool than written messagesas it allows for clarity and definition of the parameters of discussions. Another practical tip is to share tangible points and evidence regarding conflicts, rather than vague accusations. In this context, the importance of preparation and clarity in communication is repeatedly emphasized.

Career Opportunities: How to Climb the Corporate Hierarchy

Initiative and proactivity

In a world where competition is fierce and opportunities seem scarce, a recurring topic on #CareerTok is about the strategy to climb the corporate ladder. Young people are encouraged to don’t let others take the initiativebut actively seek out new responsibilities and tasks. Attentive listening and seeking feedback are essential to improving one’s performance and skills, while patience and perseverance are considered virtues in the context of professional growth.

Continuous development of skills

To advance your career, it is crucial to acquire additional skills and network with key figures within the company. Gen Z is urged to use information and social platforms to enhance your knowledge and connect with expert professionals. Being proactive in seeking out courses, training and networking opportunities plays a critical role in your growth journey.

The reliability of #CareerTok and the associated risks

Check the sources of information

Despite the excitement around #CareerTokit is essential to approach the advice given with caution. A worrying fact emerged from the study of EduBirdie reveals that only 42% of respondents compare information TikTok with other sources. The assessment of competence is mainly derived from the popularity of an individual creator, rather than a realistic assessment of credentials.

Misinformation and potential disadvantages

55% of respondents said they had had negative experiences due to incorrect information from TikTok. Creators often provide simplified or optimistic views of complex processes, such as career changes, without considering the potential challenges. Visual presentations also risk bias in hiring processes.

The Gen Z must be aware of the need to conduct thorough research and evaluate the context and validity of advice received from #CareerTok. For those seeking solid information for their career, following a well-informed path is essential.

Last updated on September 22, 2024 by Laura Rossi

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