Matteo Falcinelli responds to his father Fulvio in a post on Facebook

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Matteo Falcinelli responds to his father Fulvio in a post on Facebook

Matteo Falcinelli answers his father – In a long post published on Facebook, Matthew Falcinelli he publicly expressed strong accusations against his father Fulvio Falcinellireferring to a series of painful personal events. Matteo explained that he felt forced to use this medium to respond to his father, because the latter had blocked him on the phone, making private communication impossible. The son also stated that he wanted to make his thoughts public to let everyone know the true nature of his father, describing him as a manipulative person.

In the post, Matteo referred to an article written by his father about the family situation and accused him of making completely false statements. He stressed that none of the statements in the article represented reality, reiterating that Fulvio was fully informed about his situation long before the press covered it.

Falcinelli then denounced his father’s indifference towards crucial events in his life, starting from 2018when Fulvio would have stopped offering him any kind of financial support, even during difficult times such as the COVID-19 pandemic. In particular, Matteo revealed that, after the serious car accident of November 9, 2023which left him with debilitating physical consequences, his father did not provide any help with the necessary medical expenses. Added to this was his disappointment at the total lack of support when, following further trauma suffered in February of this year, he attempted to take his own life. According to his story, his mother had tried to contact Fulvio to inform him of the seriousness of the situation, but his father simply hung up the call, showing no interest.

Matteo also highlighted that Fulvio, despite being contacted by journalists, initially chose not to make statements, preferring to remain silent. Later, however, he changed his attitude, making comments in which he tried to present himself as a father who had not been informed of the events. Matteo reiterated that this behavior reflected the usual attitude of his father, who, in moments of difficulty, would always back down.

Matteo’s post continued with heavy criticism of his father, accusing him of always manipulating family members and never really trying to resolve conflicts. Despite repeated offers of reconciliation, including through lawyers, Fulvio had always refused to address the situation directly.

Matteo then expressed all his resentment, emphasizing how his father had even denied their relationship by declaring to the Sacred Rota that he, Matteo, was not wanted, but the result of a failed attempt to save the relationship with his mother. This declaration, according to Matteo, marked the final breaking point, making him understand that the love his father had professed had never been real.

In the post, Matteo concluded by referring to his brother’s situation Marcowho is about to undergo a delicate and vital surgical operation. Matteo stated that Marco does not want Fulvio to get close to him, since even his messages regarding the serious illness have been ignored. In harsh tones, Matteo closed his outburst by inviting his father to be ashamed, promising that he would do everything to let the world know Fulvio’s true character.

The post ends with harsh words: according to Matteo, the father deliberately chose to lose the relationship with his children, and now he would have no chance of recovering it.

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