This work, based on Sega’s blockbuster game series “Yakuza,” is produced with an original script, starring Takeuchi and directed by Takeharu. Similar to the game, it is set in the entertainment district of Kamurocho and depicts the growth story of the protagonist, Kazuma Kiryu, known as the “Dragon of Dojima,” in a crime suspense action format.
On September 20, the “RGG SUMMIT 2024” took place where new information about the Yakuza Studio’s upcoming projects was announced, and Aoki took the stage. It was revealed that he will play the role of Goro Majima. Goro Majima is Kazuma Kiryu’s archrival and is an immensely popular character among game fans. His trademark is a snake-patterned jacket worn directly on his bare skin and a patch over his left eye, and he also has the habit of calling Kiryu “Kiryu-chan.” Despite his cheerful demeanor and affection from his subordinates, he has a hidden violent side.
In “Yakuza: Beyond the Game,” Aoki’s portrayal of Goro Majima debuts in 1995 as the ruthless enforcer of the Dojima family, appearing before Kiryu and others as an adversary to Kiryu and Nishikiyama.
Aoki expressed his feelings about taking on the role of Majima, stating, “I feel very honored to portray ‘Goro Majima,’ a character from the ‘Yakuza’ series, which has many fans around the world. He’s a hugely popular character, and I tightened my resolve to ensure that I wouldn’t betray the fans’ feelings, doing my utmost to embody him. I would be extremely happy if viewers can feel the intensity of this drama just as they do with the game series!”
Additionally, during “RGG SUMMIT 2024,” it was announced that Aoki will also serve as the voice actor for Teruhiko Shigaki, the former leader of the Tojo Clan’s Shigaki family, in “Yakuza 8: Pirates in Hawaii.” “Yakuza 8: Pirates in Hawaii” features Goro Majima as the protagonist and depicts a brand-new action adventure set in a world after “Yakuza 8.” The stage is set on an island and at sea, where Majima leads the “Goro Pirate Crew” on their pirate ship, the “Goro Maru,” exploring the vast ocean. “Yakuza 8: Pirates in Hawaii” is set to be released by Sega on February 28, 2025.
The Amazon Original drama “Yakuza: Beyond the Game” will be exclusively available on Prime Video starting October 25. There are a total of 6 episodes (3 episodes will be released on October 25 and 3 more on November 1).