“Together for our memories”, celebrating the twentieth anniversary of the RSA and day center La Primula in Camucia

by time news

The ASL Toscana Sud Est facility hosts 20 residential places, including 4 specialist modules for the care of people with Alzheimer’s.

A special birthday for the guests and operators of the day center and RSA ‘La Primula’ in Camucia, the facility that has been present for twenty years in Valdichiana Aretina and was born thanks to an important work of awareness and research that was carried out by the ASL in collaboration with general medicine, the municipalities of the territory and the Italian Alzheimer’s Disease Association. In the years prior to 2004, in fact, an important survey was carried out to understand the situations of need of people with Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive disorders present in the Valdichiana territory with the aim of structuring specific paths.
The history of the facility was remembered this morning on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary that the Valdichiana Aretina District Area and the Koinè cooperative organized inside the day center for a moment of sharing the path traced together with the municipalities, associations and families. Touching was the letter from the wife of a guest of the RSA who, in retracing the difficulties of the disease, expressed words of gratitude for the professionals of the facility because “it is the attitude and the way of dealing with people with Alzheimer’s that makes the difference, it is humanity that counts”.

The Rsa facility today hosts 20 residential places, including 4 specialized modules for the care of people with Alzheimer’s. The day center, with 10 places, hosts people diagnosed with cognitive pathology and for years has guaranteed continuous and specific responses to offer relief assistance to families. The center also has the “Alzheimer Garden”, a green space to allow guests to move safely even outside.
“Best wishes to Primula and to all the operators and guests of this facility – declared Luciano Meoni, president of the Conference of Mayors of Valdichiana Aretina who spoke at the event – we are convinced that facilities like this, together with the work of the day centers are fundamental in managing the process of aging of the population. A challenge that sees us engaged with the ASL in their strengthening”.

“Today in Camucia is an important day – underlines Alfredo Notargiacomo, Director pro tempore of the Valdichiana Aretina District Area – we remember the birth of a structure dedicated to people with specific needs and which represents a flagship for family-friendly assistance”.
“Our RSA hosts people with situations that cannot be managed at home – explains Laura Novelli, director of the Primula and head of social services of Valdichiana – and it is a fundamental response for the families of our territory. Inside the day facility, people carry out socialization activities, therapeutic cooking, reading, drawing, re-educational activities with the presence of specifically trained professionals”.
“The Social Services Department, together with the Health Department – explains Patrizia Castellucci, director of social services of the ASL Tse – are committed to raising awareness in all territorial areas for the creation and implementation of specialized modules in RSAs with the aim of welcoming people with Alzheimer’s, providing relief to families and taking care of the rehabilitation of behaviors typical of the disease for the time necessary for their stabilization. In our ASL we have 113 beds for the residential care of people with Alzheimer’s, of which 73 are in the province of Arezzo. For a semi-residential response we have a total of 61 places, of which 26 are in the Arezzo area”.
Representatives of the Municipalities of Valdichiana Aretina, the Aima Association, the Management of the RSA and the Koinè cooperative also took part in the initiative.

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