“Can’t be a hero father or mother”

by time news

2024-09-23 15:38:55

In a new attempt to take advantage of the cracks in Sánchez’s investment bloc, the president of the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, brought the barons of his party together again this past Monday. In addition, he also wants to meet the social agents to present his Conciliation Law.

With this new measure, the popularity would meet with both unions and employers seek changes and thus implement improvements. Therefore, the remainder of this month of September plans to bring this new law to Congress. They hope to pass it even with the support of the PSOE.

“Being a father or a mother He cannot be heroic in our country. We cannot afford a generation that goes through life with their language hanging out because they cannot attend to their work and their children. this country Must lay on the red carpet for whoever has the courage to bring someone into the world,” said the Popular leader.

The keys to the new PP plan

The main novel is this Conciliation Law It relates to paternity and maternity leave. That is what is being sought longer and that parents are free to use them when they see fit. In this way, the permission of the father and mother could be increased so that they can take care of their child during their first year of life.

According to the deputy secretary for Equality, Reconciliation and Social Policy of the PP, Ana Alós“the analysis reveals that when maternity or paternity leave is requested in those first six weeks, it ends up being six weeks for both the father and the mother at the same time, because the father does not return to his job when the first six weeks.

New measures are added to this modification already planned by the PP in the last few days. The free daycare one of them. And how would it be accomplished? The idea is that the State finances 50% with 2,000 million euros and that the other half, the other 50%pay it autonomous communities. In addition, the specific conditions of large families and single-parent families will be taken into account.

It will be another measure of that law promoting women’s return to work after maternity leavethrough tax exemptions for self-employed workers, as well as incentives for companies that facilitate the relocation of women who have requested leave from their jobs to raise a child or care for a family member.

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