Publication of a new issue of the FAR Review

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Publication of a new issue of the FAR Review

Rabat – A new issue of the Royal Armed Forces Review (FAR) has just been published, offering readers a range of current topics and a broad focus on the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Accession of His Majesty King Mohammed VI to the Throne of His Glorious Ancestors.

The 422nd issue of this bimonthly publication (June-July 2024), which reproduces the full text of the Speech addressed by HM King Mohammed VI to the Nation on the occasion of the Head of the Throne, devotes a large space in particular to the ceremonies of allegiance and oath-taking, to the military festivities as well as to the preparations for the oath-taking ceremony in Tetouan. This issue echoes other Royal Activities including the reception by His Majesty, accompanied by His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay El Hassan and His Royal Highness Prince Moulay Rachid, at the Royal Palace of Tetouan, of the Wali of Bank Al-Maghrib, Abdellatif Jouahri, who presented to His Majesty the annual report of the Central Bank on the economic, monetary and financial situation for the 2023 financial year. The “Dossier” of this new issue of the Revue des FAR looks back at the first edition of the International Military Music Festival, a new stage for military songs and sounds. This event, which lit up the main squares of Rabat, Salé, Temara, Agadir, Tetouan and M’diq from July 26 to 30, brought together eight national musical groups and six foreign groups from Saudi Arabia, Ivory Coast, the United Arab Emirates, Spain, the United States of America and Senegal. The “Dossier” immerses the reader in the different aspects of the festival from the opening ceremony to the captivating performances of national and international musical groups, to the enchanting shows in several cities, to the memorable closing concert, including the enthusiastic reactions of the public and the meticulous preparations behind the scenes. “These shows highlighted the richness of military musical traditions, harmoniously combining tradition and modernity,” it says. In the field of military cooperation, the FAR review reports that the Southern Zone General Staff hosted, on June 13 and 14 in Agadir, the second French-speaking session of the Training of Senior Leaders of Peacekeeping Missions, entitled “Senior Mission Leader Course (SML)”, organized by the United Nations Integrated Training Service (ITS), in partnership with the Kingdom of Morocco and the International Organization of La Francophonie. This training is intended to prepare participating executives for command and management positions in multidimensional peacekeeping operations and will allow officials of Member States, working on the qualities and issues related to peacekeeping, to better assimilate the functioning of these peacekeeping operations. The publication also focuses on the official visit made by the Minister of State, Minister of Defense and Veterans of Burkina Faso to Morocco, within the framework of Moroccan-Burkinabe military cooperation. In the “Life in the Army” section, the 422nd issue of the FAR Review presents a disaster management exercise called “Earthquake 2024”, organized at the Place d’Armes in Ouarzazate last June. This exercise is part of a series of activities aimed at preparing FAR Units for assistance and relief operations for the benefit of the population and constitutes one of the major missions of the FAR. Under the title “Africa at the Heart of the Technological and Strategic Revolution”, the “Research and Development” section is devoted to the Rabat Consensus, resulting from the High-Level Forum on Artificial Intelligence in Africa, which embodies an ambitious vision for the technological and strategic future of the African continent. This international meeting, initiated by the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, brought together diplomats, ministers and experts from more than thirty African countries to discuss the development and governance of artificial intelligence, the review noted. On the “Health” side, the publication sheds light on the radiant expertise of the Mohammed V Military Teaching Hospital in cochlear implantation, constituting a major advance in the treatment of severe to profound deafness, highlighting the leading role that this Hospital plays in the implementation and development of this revolutionary technique.

2024-09-24 03:07:34

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