Fiorentina Triumphs 2-1 Over Lazio with Gudmundsson’s Late Penalty Double

by time news

Fiorentina secures its first victory in the league, thanks to a 2-1 comeback against Lazio. At the end of the first half, Gila scored to put his team ahead, but at the start of the second half, Gudmundsson came on and, in 4 minutes, earned and scored a penalty to equalize. In the final moments, a crossbar denied Guendouzi a goal, then the viola earned another penalty (after an on-field review) and Gudmundsson turned the game around from the spot in the 90th minute.


CLICK AND WATCH ALL SERIE A HIGHLIGHTS“,”postId”:”30510d1b-d332-4a43-81a4-f9d4138a8810″},{“timestamp”:”2024-09-22T13:00:29.557Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-09-22T15:00:29+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”content”:”

Gudmundsson is the decisive man, excellent performance by Gila who opened the scoring.



“,”postId”:”6f82aedf-7070-4fa8-80f2-fb63a5717279″},{“timestamp”:”2024-09-22T12:27:33.455Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-09-22T14:27:33+0200″,”event”:{“text”:”it ends here!”,”borderColor”:”#00d209″,”icon”:”data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg width=’32’ height=’32’ fill=’none’ xmlns=’ fill-rule=’evenodd’ clip-rule=’evenodd’ d=’m24.571 15.22-5.25 1.968a.715.715 0 0 0-.464.67 5.72 5.72 0 0 1-5.714 5.713 5.721 5.721 0 0 1-5.714-5.714 5.721 5.721 0 0 1 5.714-5.714H24.57v3.076Zm.715-4.506H13.143C9.205 10.714 6 13.92 6 17.857 6 21.796 9.205 25 13.143 25c3.77 0 6.867-2.936 7.125-6.641l5.269-1.976a.715.715 0 0 0 .463-.669V11.43a.714.714 0 0 0-.714-.715ZM12.429 8.571V5.714a.714.714 0 1 1 1.428 0v2.857a.714.714 0 1 1-1.428 0Zm3.175.595a.714.714 0 0 1-.198-.99l1.428-2.144a.713.713 0 1 1 1.189.793l-1.429 2.143a.714.714 0 0 1-.99.198ZM8.263 6.825a.714.714 0 1 1 1.188-.793l1.429 2.143a.714.714 0 1 1-1.189.793L8.263 6.825Z’ fill=’%23051045’/%3e%3cpath fill-rule=’evenodd’ clip-rule=’evenodd’ d=’M15.286 17.857A2.145 2.145 0 0 1 13.143 20 2.145 2.145 0 0 1 11 17.857c0-1.182.961-2.143 2.143-2.143 1.181 0 2.143.961 2.143 2.143Zm-5.715 0a3.575 3.575 0 0 0 3.572 3.572 3.576 3.576 0 0 0 3.571-3.572 3.576 3.576 0 0 0-3.571-3.571 3.576 3.576 0 0 0-3.572 3.571Z’ fill=’%23051045’/%3e%3c/svg%3e”,”type”:”football”},”image”:{“imgSrc”:” celebration”,”imgCredits”:null,”imgCaption”:null},”altBackground”:true,”content”:”

The Fiorentina wins 2-1 against the Lazio: the match is decided by a double from Gudmundsson from the penalty spot after the biancoceleste went ahead in the first half with Gila

“,”postId”:”78e2d7d1-121a-4fed-a554-d688a351bdf1″},{“timestamp”:”2024-09-22T12:25:23.012Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-09-22T14:25:23+0200″,”event”:{“text”:”yellow card!”,”borderColor”:”#ffbc00″,”icon”:”data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg width=’32’ height=’32’ fill=’none’ xmlns=’ clip-path=’url(%23a)’%3e%3cpath d=’M8.905 5h14.983c.5 0 .905.405.905.905v20.191a.904.904 0 0 1-.904.904H8.904A.904.904 0 0 1 8 26.096V5.905c0-.5.405-.905.905-.905Z’ fill=’%23FFBC00’/%3e%3c/g%3e%3cdefs%3e%3cclipPath id=’a’%3e%3cpath fill=’white’ transform=’translate(8 5)’ d=’M0 0h16.793v22H0z’/%3e%3c/clipPath%3e%3c/defs%3e%3c/svg%3e”,”type”:”football”},”altBackground”:false,”content”:”

95′ – Yellow card for Dodô for protests


93′ – The Lazio tries for a final push to equalize


90′ – Five minutes of stoppage time

“,”postId”:”0e9cd56b-16c5-446e-8b11-b34d331c47d2″},{“timestamp”:”2024-09-22T12:21:36.861Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-09-22T14:21:36+0200″,”event”:{“text”:”GOAL!”,”borderColor”:”#ffffff”,”backgroundColor”:”#051045″,”icon”:”data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg width=’32’ height=’32’ fill=’none’ xmlns=’ clip-path=’url(%23a)’%3e%3cmask id=’b’ style=’mask-type:luminance’ maskUnits=’userSpaceOnUse’ x=’5′ y=’5′ width=’22’ height=’22’%3e%3cpath d=’M27 5H5v22h22V5Z’ fill=’white’/%3e%3c/mask%3e%3cg mask=’url(%23b)’%3e%3cpath fill-rule=’evenodd’ clip-rule=’evenodd’ d=’M16 5c6.075 0 11 4.925 11 11s-4.925 11-11 11S5 22.075 5 16 9.925 5 16 5Zm0 1.833a9.13 9.13 0 0 0-4.058.945l-1.42 4.17-2.749.004A9.129 9.129 0 0 0 6.833 16c0 .678.074 1.339.214 1.974l3.988 2.645-.973 2.365a9.127 9.127 0 0 0 5.422 2.168l3.092-2.735 1.879 1.596a9.19 9.19 0 0 0 4.345-5.44l-1.947-3.89 1.918-1.354a9.165 9.165 0 0 0-2.41-3.93h-4.624l-.594-2.495A9.254 9.254 0 0 0 16 6.834Zm-.198 4.767 3.997 2.904-1.527 4.698h-4.94l-1.526-4.698 3.996-2.904Z’ fill=’white’/%3e%3c/g%3e%3c/g%3e%3cdefs%3e%3cclipPath id=’a’%3e%3cpath fill=’white’ transform=’translate(5 5)’ d=’M0 0h22v22H0z’/%3e%3c/clipPath%3e%3c/defs%3e%3c/svg%3e”,”type”:”football”},”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Gudmundsson’s double turns the game”,”content”:”

90′ – Fiorentina leads 2-1! Another perfect shot by Gudmundsson from the penalty spot: strong and central right foot, the goalkeeper is beaten

“,”postId”:”ccaab665-1007-41f2-b19b-0138a847548e”},{“timestamp”:”2024-09-22T12:19:39.809Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-09-22T14:19:39+0200″,”event”:{“text”:”yellow card!”,”borderColor”:”#ffbc00″,”icon”:”data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg width=’32’ height=’32’ fill=’none’ xmlns=’ clip-path=’url(%23a)’%3e%3cpath d=’M8.905 5h14.983c.5 0 .905.405.905.905v20.191a.904.904 0 0 1-.904.904H8.904A.904.904 0 0 1 8 26.096V5.905c0-.5.405-.905.905-.905Z’ fill=’%23FFBC00’/%3e%3c/g%3e%3cdefs%3e%3cclipPath id=’a’%3e%3cpath fill=’white’ transform=’translate(8 5)’ d=’M0 0h16.793v22H0z’/%3e%3c/clipPath%3e%3c/defs%3e%3c/svg%3e”,”type”:”football”},”altBackground”:false,”content”:”

89′ – In this instance, Tavares was also booked for the foul

“,”postId”:”7bd895ef-1f9a-4178-8565-01c8fe876596″},{“timestamp”:”2024-09-22T12:19:23.688Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-09-22T14:19:23+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Penalty for Fiorentina”,”content”:”

89′ – Second penalty for the viola! The referee changes his mind after the on-field review and awards the penalty kick to the Fiorentina

“,”postId”:”4903db3a-817a-4cbd-9c8a-522f362ac147″},{“timestamp”:”2024-09-22T12:18:43.399Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-09-22T14:18:43+0200″,”event”:{“text”:”VAR”,”borderColor”:”#051045″,”icon”:”data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg width=’32’ height=’32’ fill=’none’ xmlns=’ clip-path=’url(%23a)’ fill=’%23051045’%3e%3cpath d=’M31 6H1v18.413h8.4V26h13.1v-1.587H31V6Zm-1.418 16.576H2.418V7.746h27.164v14.83Z’/%3e%3cpath d=’M12.846 10.645a1.205 1.205 0 0 0-.441-.153c-.418-.077-.768-.053-1.038.052-.206.08-.358.256-.455.53l-1.99 6.33-2.027-6.336c-.117-.35-.324-.484-.476-.534-.275-.093-.568-.148-1.06-.019a3.17 3.17 0 0 0-.414.138l-.207.085 3.018 0 .658-.055.874-.17.232-.122.41-.35.527-.682l2.76-8.283-.16-.101Zm4.208.368a1.108 1.108 0 0 0-.293-.325 1.164 1.164 0 0 0-.429-.189c-.269-.06-.65-.071-1.06-.024a3.67 3.67 0 0 0-.527.101l-.12.033-2.949 8.748-. 1.025-.055.192-.08.34-.255.436-.526l.573-1.766h3.01l.581 1.769c.117.347.322.483.476.537.172.056.374.084.599.084.132 0 .273-.02.432-.062.148-.04.28-.083.392-.133l.201-.087-2.7-8.11a2.425 2.425 0 0 0-.191-.434Zm-.348 4.659H14.83l.941-2.91.934 2.91Zm7.981.608a2.862 2.862 0 0 0 1.456-.881 2.85 2.85 0 0 0 .51-.88c.118-.327.179-.685.179-1.062 0-.917-.302-1.649-.896-2.176-.584-.517-1.404-.78-2.437-.78h-2.138c-.405 0-.67.097-.815.296-.121.172-.182.39-.182.648v8.271l.174.049c. 0 .599-.085.754-.26a.883.883 0 0 0 .23-.616v-2.54h.243l2.069 2.732c. 0 .338-.023.527-.067.188-.047.358-.115.518-.206l.249-.143-2.575-3.145Zm.206-2.823c0 .37-.114.653-.347.864-.24.215-.666.324-1.27.324h-.973V12.36h1.209c.5 0 .862.096’/%3e%3c/g%3e%3cdefs%3e%3cclipPath id=’a’%3e%3cpath fill=’white’ transform=’translate(1 6)’ d=’M0 0h30v20H0z’/%3e%3c/clipPath%3e%3c/defs%3e%3c/svg%3e”,”type”:”football”},”altBackground”:false,”content”:”

88′ – The referee goes for an on-field review for a late hit by Tavares who stepped on Dodô ‘s foot on the goal line

“,”postId”:”4f934d56-83e9-43cb-916c-2bc37c618dde”},{“timestamp”:”2024-09-22T12:17:06.989Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-09-22T14:17:06+0200″,”event”:{“text”:”yellow card!”,”borderColor”:”#ffbc00″,”icon”:”data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg width=’32’ height=’32’ fill=’none’ xmlns=’ clip-path=’url(%23a)’%3e%3cpath d=’M8.905 5h14.983c.5 0 .905.405.905.905v20.191a.904.904 0 0 1-.904.904H8.904A.904.904 0 0 1 8 26.096V5.905c0-.5.405-.905.905-.905Z’ fill=’%23FFBC00’/%3e%3c/g%3e%3cdefs%3e%3cclipPath id=’a’%3e%3cpath fill=’white’ transform=’translate(8 5)’ d=’M0 0h16.793v22H0z’/%3e%3c/clipPath%3e%3c/defs%3e%3c/svg%3e”,”type”:”football”},”altBackground”:false,”content”:”

85′ – Patric commits a clear late foul and receives a yellow card

“,”postId”:”e15fcd73-5354-4f5c-9d16-fc33ec3654d8″},{“timestamp”:”2024-09-22T12:16:21.222Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-09-22T14:16:21+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Guendouzi hits the crossbar”,”content”:”

85′ – Lazio comes close to scoring! A near back-header from the midfielder on a corner cross hits the woodwork


85′ – Guendouzi is dangerous! This is the Frenchman’s third attempt, this time aimed at the goal, but De Gea diving saves it


84′ – Potential opportunity for the Fiorentina on a counterattack from their own half led by Ikoné, but the return pass from Kouamé for his teammate is terrible and the action fades away

“,”postId”:”5c527dac-1d55-4e1f-88de-beb0a38fa03d”},{“timestamp”:”2024-09-22T12:13:42.493Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-09-22T14:13:42+0200″,”event”:{“text”:”substitution”,”borderColor”:”#051045″,”icon”:”data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg width=’32’ height=’32’ fill=’none’ xmlns=’ d=’M13.36 5.239a.823.823 0 0 1 1.16 0c.29.289.316.742.078 1.06l-.079.092-4.541 4.516 4.541 4.517c.29.29.317.742.08 1.06l-.08.092a.823.823 0 0 1-1.067.08l-.092-.08-5.12-5.092a.812.812 0 0 1-.08-1.061l.08-.092 5.12-5.092Z’ fill=’%23DE0000’/%3e%3cpath d=’M19.64 15.424a.823.823 0 0 0-1.16 0 .812.812 0 0 0-.078 1.06l.079.092 4.541 4.517-4.541 4.516a.812.812 0 0 0-.08 1.061l.08.091c.29.29.746.316 1.067.08l.092-.08 5.12-5.092a.812.812 0 0 0 .08-1.061l-.08-.092-5.12-5.092Z’ fill=’%2300D209’/%3e%3cpath d=’M24.18 10.093c.453 0 .82.364.82.814a.817.817 0 0 1-.716.809l-.103.006H9.843a.817.817 0 0 1-.819-.815c0-.415.313-.758.717-.808l.102-.006h14.338Z’ fill=’%23DE0000’/%3e%3cpath d=’M24.18 20.278c.453 0 .82.365.82.815a.817.817 0 0 1-.716.808l-.103.006H9.843a.817.817 0 0 1-.819-.814c0-.416.313-.759.717-.809l.102-.006h14.338Z’ fill=’%2300D209’/%3e%3c/svg%3e”,”type”:”football”},”altBackground”:false,”content”:”

83′ – Final move from the bench for Palladino who brings on Adli for Cataldi

“,”postId”:”80f42df2-df68-48c5-91ed-ca46ef24e48a”},{“timestamp”:”2024-09-22T12:11:37.874Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-09-22T14:11:37+0200″,”event”:{“text”:”substitution”,”borderColor”:”#051045″,”icon”:”data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg width=’32’ height=’32’ fill=’none’ xmlns=’ d=’M13.36 5.239a.823.823 0 0 1 1.16 0c.29.289.316.742.078 1.06l-.079.092-4.541 4.516 4.541 4.517c.29.29.317.742.08 1.06l-.08.092a.823.823 0 0 1-1.067.08l-.092-.08-5.12-5.092a.812.812 0 0 1-.08-1.061l.08-.092 5.12-5.092Z’ fill=’%23DE0000’/%3e%3cpath d=’M19.64 15.424a.823.823 0 0 0-1.16 0 .812.812 0 0 0-.078 1.06l.079.092 4.541 4.517-4.541 4.516a.812.812 0 0 0-.08 1.061l.08.091c.29.29.746.316 1.067.08l.092-.08 5.12-5.092a.812.812 0 0 0 .08-1.061l-.08-.092-5.12-5.092Z’ fill=’%2300D209’/%3e%3cpath d=’M24.18 10.093c.453 0 .82.364.82.814a.817.817 0 0 1-.716.809l-.103.006H9.843a.817.817 0 0 1-.819-.815c0-.415.313-.758.717-.808l.102-.006h14.338Z’ fill=’%23DE0000’/%3e%3cpath d=’M24.18 20.278c.453 0 .82.365.82.815a.817.817 0 0 1-.716.808l-.103.006H9.843a.817.817 0 0 1-.819-.814c0-.416.313-.759.717-.809l.102-.006h14.338Z’ fill=’%2300D209’/%3e%3c/svg%3e”,”type”:”football”},”altBackground”:false,”content”:”

81′ – Colpani’s match ends: Palladino chooses Ikoné to replace him


80′ – Colpani close to scoring! In the last play of his match, the former Monza player cuts in well on the left and shoots for the far post from outside the area: the ball goes just wide


79′ – Fiorentina trying to hurt the opponents at this stage, but the attack is somewhat confused and there are no major threats to Provedel


76′ – We have entered the last quarter of an hour at the Franchi, with a score of 1-1 currently


73′ – Guendouzi charges his right from outside the box, the trajectory lifts too high and doesn’t trouble De Gea


Gudmundsson is the decisive man, excellent performance by Gila who opened the scoring.


it ends here!

The Fiorentina wins 2-1 against the Lazio: the match is decided by a double from Gudmundsson from the penalty spot after the biancoceleste went ahead in the first half with Gila

Fiorentina Triumphs 2-1 Over Lazio with Gudmundsson’s Late Penalty Double

95′ – Yellow card for Dodô for protests

93′ – The Lazio tries for a final push to equalize

90′ – Five minutes of stoppage time


Gudmundsson’s double turns the game

90′ – Fiorentina leads 2-1! Another perfect shot by Gudmundsson from the penalty spot: strong and central right foot, the goalkeeper is beaten

yellow card!

89′ – In this instance, Tavares was also booked for the foul

Penalty for Fiorentina

89′ – Second penalty for the viola! The referee changes his mind after the on-field review and awards the penalty kick to the Fiorentina

88′ – The referee goes for an on-field review for a late hit by Tavares who stepped on Dodô ‘s foot on the goal line

“,”postId”:”4f934d56-83e9-43cb-916c-2bc37c618dde”},{“timestamp”:”2024-09-22T12:17:06.989Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-09-22T14:17:06+0200″,”event”:{“text”:”yellow card!”,”borderColor”:”#ffbc00″,”icon”:”data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg width=’32’ height=’32’ fill=’none’ xmlns=’ clip-path=’url(%23a)’%3e%3cpath d=’M8.905 5h14.983c.5 0 .905.405.905.905v20.191a.904.904 0 0 1-.904.904H8.904A.904.904 0 0 1 8 26.096V5.905c0-.5.405-.905.905-.905Z’ fill=’%23FFBC00’/%3e%3c/g%3e%3cdefs%3e%3cclipPath id=’a’%3e%3cpath fill=’white’ transform=’translate(8 5)’ d=’M0 0h16.793v22H0z’/%3e%3c/clipPath%3e%3c/defs%3e%3c/svg%3e”,”type”:”football”},”altBackground”:false,”content”:”

85′ – Patric commits a clear late foul and receives a yellow card

“,”postId”:”e15fcd73-5354-4f5c-9d16-fc33ec3654d8″},{“timestamp”:”2024-09-22T12:16:21.222Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-09-22T14:16:21+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Guendouzi hits the crossbar”,”content”:”

85′ – Lazio comes close to scoring! A near back-header from the midfielder on a corner cross hits the woodwork


85′ – Guendouzi is dangerous! This is the Frenchman’s third attempt, this time aimed at the goal, but De Gea diving saves it


84′ – Potential opportunity for the Fiorentina on a counterattack from their own half led by Ikoné, but the return pass from Kouamé for his teammate is terrible and the action fades away

“,”postId”:”5c527dac-1d55-4e1f-88de-beb0a38fa03d”},{“timestamp”:”2024-09-22T12:13:42.493Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-09-22T14:13:42+0200″,”event”:{“text”:”substitution”,”borderColor”:”#051045″,”icon”:”data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg width=’32’ height=’32’ fill=’none’ xmlns=’ d=’M13.36 5.239a.823.823 0 0 1 1.16 0c.29.289.316.742.078 1.06l-.079.092-4.541 4.516 4.541 4.517c.29.29.317.742.08 1.06l-.08.092a.823.823 0 0 1-1.067.08l-.092-.08-5.12-5.092a.812.812 0 0 1-.08-1.061l.08-.092 5.12-5.092Z’ fill=’%23DE0000’/%3e%3cpath d=’M19.64 15.424a.823.823 0 0 0-1.16 0 .812.812 0 0 0-.078 1.06l.079.092 4.541 4.517-4.541 4.516a.812.812 0 0 0-.08 1.061l.08.091c.29.29.746.316 1.067.08l.092-.08 5.12-5.092a.812.812 0 0 0 .08-1.061l-.08-.092-5.12-5.092Z’ fill=’%2300D209’/%3e%3cpath d=’M24.18 10.093c.453 0 .82.364.82.814a.817.817 0 0 1-.716.809l-.103.006H9.843a.817.817 0 0 1-.819-.815c0-.415.313-.758.717-.808l.102-.006h14.338Z’ fill=’%23DE0000’/%3e%3cpath d=’M24.18 20.278c.453 0 .82.365.82.815a.817.817 0 0 1-.716.808l-.103.006H9.843a.817.817 0 0 1-.819-.814c0-.416.313-.759.717-.809l.102-.006h14.338Z’ fill=’%2300D209’/%3e%3c/svg%3e”,”type”:”football”},”altBackground”:false,”content”:”

83′ – Final move from the bench for Palladino who brings on Adli for Cataldi

“,”postId”:”80f42df2-df68-48c5-91ed-ca46ef24e48a”},{“timestamp”:”2024-09-22T12:11:37.874Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-09-22T14:11:37+0200″,”event”:{“text”:”substitution”,”borderColor”:”#051045″,”icon”:”data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg width=’32’ height=’32’ fill=’none’ xmlns=’ d=’M13.36 5.239a.823.823 0 0 1 1.16 0c.29.289.316.742.078 1.06l-.079.092-4.541 4.516 4.541 4.517c.29.29.317.742.08 1.06l-.08.092a.823.823 0 0 1-1.067.08l-.092-.08-5.12-5.092a.812.812 0 0 1-.08-1.061l.08-.092 5.12-5.092Z’ fill=’%23DE0000’/%3e%3cpath d=’M19.64 15.424a.823.823 0 0 0-1.16 0 .812.812 0 0 0-.078 1.06l.079.092 4.541 4.517-4.541 4.516a.812.812 0 0 0-.08 1.061l.08.091c.29.29.746.316 1.067.08l.092-.08 5.12-5.092a.812.812 0 0 0 .08-1.061l-.08-.092-5.12-5.092Z’ fill=’%2300D209’/%3e%3cpath d=’M24.18 10.093c.453 0 .82.364.82.814a.817.817 0 0 1-.716.809l-.103.006H9.843a.817.817 0 0 1-.819-.815c0-.415.313-.758.717-.808l.102-.006h14.338Z’ fill=’%23DE0000’/%3e%3cpath d=’M24.18 20.278c.453 0 .82.365.82.815a.817.817 0 0 1-.716.808l-.103.006H9.843a.817.817 0 0 1-.819-.814c0-.416.313-.759.717-.809l.102-.006h14.338Z’ fill=’%2300D209’/%3e%3c/svg%3e”,”type”:”football”},”altBackground”:false,”content”:”

81′ – Colpani’s match ends: Palladino chooses Ikoné to replace him


80′ – Colpani close to scoring! In the last play of his match, the former Monza player cuts in well on the left and shoots for the far post from outside the area: the ball goes just wide


79′ – Fiorentina trying to hurt the opponents at this stage, but the attack is somewhat confused and there are no major threats to Provedel


76′ – We have entered the last quarter of an hour at the Franchi, with a score of 1-1 currently


73′ – Guendouzi charges his right from outside the box, the trajectory lifts too high and doesn’t trouble De Gea


Gudmundsson is the decisive man, excellent performance by Gila who opened the scoring.


it ends here!

The Fiorentina wins 2-1 against the Lazio: the match is decided by a double from Gudmundsson from the penalty spot after the biancoceleste went ahead in the first half with Gila

Fiorentina Triumphs 2-1 Over Lazio with Gudmundsson’s Late Penalty Double

95′ – Yellow card for Dodô for protests

93′ – The Lazio tries for a final push to equalize

90′ – Five minutes of stoppage time

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