Ravello, Gino Mario Mansi Doctor of Motor Sciences

by time news

“Stereophotogrammetric systems for motion analysis” it is the title of the interesting thesis of the student from Ravello Gino Mario Mansi discussed this afternoon at the University of Naples Parthenope for the achievement of the three-year degree in Motor Sciences.

The parents Gino and Anna, with his sister Rita, and Gino’s many friends who did not want to miss the appointment, participated in the exhibition, excited and satisfied. We can say, without fear of contradiction, that this class is the beautiful youth of Ravello and Gino, a responsible and diligent boy, who at almost 22 years old (he will turn 22 next November) has been able to reconcile his studies with his summer job (it seems he is also a decent barman). In the meantime, he is already projected towards the two-year period for obtaining a specialist degree.

Ravello, Gino Mario Mansi Doctor of Motor Sciences

We at Quotidiano della Costiera also express our congratulations for the coveted goal achieved with commitment by Doctor Mansi, without a doubt among the best energies of our territory, to whom we wish further personal and professional successes.

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