Sommariva at the helm of the Spinelli Group, the wrath of the centre-right in La Spezia: “What a mistake”. Orlando (centre-left): “Inappropriate choice”

by time news

La Spezia – The appointment of Mario Sommariva, former president of the Port System Authority of the Eastern Ligurian Sea, at the top of Spinelli srl (Click here for the article)arrived yesterday, inflames the political, trade union and economic world of La Spezia. A week after his farewell to the offices on Via del Molo, which came with a letter, the future of the Genoese manager who has led the La Spezia port since December 2020 is taking shape.

Pierluigi Peracchini, mayor of La Spezia, is caustic: «The sudden decision to leave the leadership of the Port Authority was surprising and now that we have discovered the personal reasons that determined it, the feeling has changed into deep bitterness». He adds: «The rush to abandon our port before his successor is indicated appears to be yet another move by the left to place its men at the top of the companies of the Spinelli Group. After the member of the national management of the Democratic Party David Ermini, at the helm of the terminal operator’s family holding, now it is the turn of the former secretary of Filt-Cgil to head the group. It would seem to be a disrespectful move for the community and economy of La Spezia and Liguria that has effectively left our port without a leader».

From the League Stefania Pucciarellisenator, observes: «The final veils fall on the real intentions of the left. The president, wanted by Andrea Orlando himself, abandons the port of La Spezia overnight at the moment of greatest need. And yet he had trumpeted to the four winds that he had been forced to resign for personal reasons. We would have expected more respect for the Port Authority and public affairs». Maria Grazia Frijia, deputy mayor of La Spezia (Fdi) says: «Curious news. It would have been more correct for him to have finished his mandate also evaluating the opportunity of a choice of this type at this stage. There is perplexity. Having said that, everyone is free to do what they want».

From the center-left Roberto Centi (Avs) comments: «I was surprised to learn of this decision but I respect it, it is a professional choice. Sommariva is a person of great competence and value who has now found another reality in which to spend his professionalism». Marco Furletti, secretary of Uil says: «It is clear that he will remain in the sector as expected. Having said that, after the events involving the Spinelli group (Liguria case, ed.) Sommariva’s figure can certainly be useful for relaunching the image of that company that employs thousands of people and is an important part of the Genoese economy». Luca Comiti (Cgil): «It is a professional choice of a professional who goes to do his job with an important role».

Thus Antonio Carro (Cisl): «We remained surprised by the timing of the farewell and today we learn of the decision to land in a large private group operating in the Ligurian ports. Now, let’s think about the future of our port that cannot allow slowdowns”. In the port world, after the decision to leave via del Molo had caused shock and amazement, net of expressions of esteem that reached 360°, the new step of Sommariva determines further surprise. In the environments, concern remains for the state of the works that are crucial for the future. A game of interlocking that links, among others, dredging, to be done, and the strengthening of the Lsct terminal in which the lack of a president of the Port Authority does nothing but increase the concerns.

Orlando: “Inappropriate choice”

“The Sommariva issue is a question of inappropriateness. I am convinced that Sommariva was an excellent president of the Port Authority, so much so that at the end of his experience he was not sent to the prisons of his country. However, this good experience ended with a choice that I do not agree with”. This is what the candidate for the presidency of the Liguria Region for the broad field, Andrea Orlando, said regarding the nomination of the former president of the Port Authority of the Eastern Ligurian Sea, Mario Sommariva, considered very close to centre-left circles, to the presidency of the Spinelli Group. “I have always said – Orlando claims – if someone gains experience in the public sector, that experience should not be put on the market in the corresponding private sector because otherwise it sheds a questionable light on the roles he previously played. In any case, it is right to point out that Sommariva is going to work in a group that insists on the port of Genoa and not La Spezia. I think that this issue should be regulated by a law that does not exist in this country and I also believe that we understand why”.

So, he reiterates a proposal already launched in recent days: “If the right wants, I am available from tomorrow to discuss a regional law on conflict of interest and representation of interests“. Orlando confirms that “I will not have any dialogue with private interests, except in a public and transparent manner, when I carry out my duties. This principle must apply to everyone and I believe it is the way to also give a little credibility to politics”.

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