The gap between Noboa and Álvarez grows after a complaint against the mayor of Guayaquil – La Nación

by times news cr

2024-09-25 07:58:10

For the mayor of Guayaquil, Achilles Alvarezthe complaint filed by the Agency for the Regulation and Control of Energy and Non-Renewable Natural Resources against him, his two brothers and others of course Irregular fuel trade It is nothing more than “an unsupported distraction montage” by the Administration of Daniel Noboa.

This complaint, which was filed on Thursday, July 11, before the Office of the Attorney General (FGE) by the director of the Agency, Franklin Erreyes, would further widen the gap between the heads of the National Government and the City Council, who recently (although not directly) had overcome the controversy regarding a guarantee that the Mayor’s Office requested from the Presidency to access a loan and thus complete a work of drinking water in the northwest of Guayaquil.

The sovereign guarantee

The granting of the sovereign guarantee by the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) to the Mayor’s Office of Guayaquil was confirmed on July 8 after months of requests and public reproaches.

Alvarez even threatened to take to the streets to protest if the Executive did not agree. He also pointed out that the head of the MEF, Juan Carlos Vegabehaved “idiot” with the city and that the Government’s position had a political background.

Finally, this week Noboa assured that he had not provided this guarantee because it undermined the Government’s borrowing capacity. Additionally, he criticized the mayor for “messing around” and ignoring the government’s debt. “insulting everyone.”

The solemn session that he did not attend

But the disagreements between the two authorities date back to when Noboa was a candidate for the Presidency. In the last solemn session for the Independence of Guayaquilin October 2023, the current head of state did not attend the event.

For Alvarez, that was “a lack of respect” because -he said- the ADN militancy (the political organization founded by Noboa) was holding a political rally very close to the ceremony he was leading. That day, Noboa was not even present. Guayaquil.

The Fifth Bridge

One day after assuming power, Noboa issued a decree repealing a provision of his predecessor, Guillermo Lasso. The former president had transferred the responsibility for the construction of the Fifth Bridge to the Municipality of Guayaquil. Álvarez even went to the Carondelet Palace (Quito) for the signing ceremony of the decree.

Noboa did not explain why he repealed the document. Alvarez, however, said it was “a sad decision.”. “I hope that arrogance does not become the driving force of this government.“, he wrote then.

A meeting you weren’t invited to

On November 30, the President of the Republic called a meeting at the Guayas Governorate with several authorities to discuss issues related to Guayaquil, however, Álvarez was not invited.

In December, Álvarez was able to learn about the plans of the Noboa Government, especially with regard to security, but through the then governor of Guayas, Alfredo Molina.

In January 2024, the president was leading security meetings at the main port, but Alvarez was not invited.

The meeting in February

It was only in February of this year that the president and the mayor were able to meet. There is a photo in which they both appear smiling.

Today, with an open case in the Prosecutor’s Office against Álvarez and his brother, and which the mayor attributes to a “electoral vision» For Noboa’s part, the relationship between both authorities seems to be far from a conciliation.

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