Let’s Take Care is Back: “Bio-diversity at the Base of the Community”

by time news

Sunday 29 September in Piazza San Vittore the traditional appointment with good food “for those who consume it and for those who produce it”. Workshops and solidarity projects with numerous associations; guided tours of the city organized by the Biblioteca Popolare

Rho, September 25, 2024

On Sunday 29th September, from 8.30am to 7pm, Piazza San Vittore will once again be invaded by stalls and workshops. Let’s take care, annual meeting with producers and farmers of the Rhodense area. Their slogan, for this fifteenth edition, is “Bio-diversity at the base of the community”.

Throughout the day, citizens will be able to participate for free in tastings, workshops and information meetings to learn about the territory and the many facets of its rich food tradition. It will be an opportunity to understand the impact that each person produces with their consumer choices on the place where they live.
By purchasing local foods from producers who operate responsibly towards society and the environment, anyone can contribute to protecting the territory and restoring its wealth. The festival was created to promote this sustainable food culture, raising awareness among residents about the history and origin of the products they consume.

“Citizens will be able to discover directly from local realities how a product is developed, thanks to workshops that will illustrate the journey of the raw material from cultivation to processing. There will also be workshops on sustainable mobility and storytelling workshops for the little ones, who will be able to acquire, while having fun, a basic knowledge of the local agricultural and food world transmitted in the form of a story”, explain the promoters. There are scheduled moments of discussion on topics such as the circular and solidarity economy, food and energy sovereignty and the economy of common goods.
The event is organized by numerous associations with Prendiamoci Cura Aps and with the patronage of the Municipality of Rho.
The Popular Library participates with “Roots of FutuRHO: discovering our territory”. From 10:00 to 18:00 there will be publications on local history and a small market of used books. From 15:00 to 17:00, with departures every half hour, there will be guided tours of the city center discovering the local roots with Paola, Giuseppe and Maria Grazia. You must book by Friday 27 September at this link: https://doodle.com/sign-up-sheet/participate/153e1d0b-151b-4d68-b826-dd1665cb22a7/select.

“The Prendiamoci cura party is a highly anticipated initiative, involving children and families – explains the Environment Councillor Valentina Giro Talking with producers, handling flour or other foods, learning about local products is a way to become more aware consumers. I thank all the organizations that are participating and the Biblioteca Popolare that offers guided tours to learn more about Rho and its history. We are waiting for everyone in the square, it will be a day full of surprises”.

This is the program in detail:

Throughout the day, the #spesasolidale will be active, organized by Let’s Take Care, Caritas-Briciole di pane Rho and La Rotonda Association of Baranzate. At the stands it will be possible, thanks to Good Inside and IPM Beccarialearn about some solidarity projects.
For adults and children, the game “Shop consciously” will allow them to delve deeper into the project “Cultivating Community”.

Piazza San Vittore will host the exhibition “Portrait of a woman and portraits of nature”; AReS/Solidarity Emporium di Intrecci will animate in-depth activities on good nutrition under the banner “Different is good”. The Lucernate Seed Library will activate from 10.00 to 18.00 the loan of books and seeds to “Sow the culture of diversity”.
From 10.30 to 11.30 “Creating nature”: how to create a vegetable garden or a garden, using natural materials. By Passes and Ridges.

Radio Mast will conduct itinerant interviews from 9.00 to 13.00.

From 11.30 to 12.30 fragments of theatre with adults and adolescents who participated in the “Cultivating community” courses with the Teatro Selvaggio and Caminante Aps Company.
From 12.30 to 13.30 “All the colours of food”: lunch break for exhibitors and volunteers by Piada Pirate, Rhodense Brewery, Flour and Passion and the producers of the Farmers markets.
From 1.30pm to 2.30pm Merkairos, the time for good choices: conversations with solidarity purchasing groups, producers, the Solidarity Economy network, curated by Let’s Take Care and Co-energy.
From 3.00 pm to 4.00 pm, creative painting workshop on ceramics and canvas with the cooperative The Grufa and fresh pasta and taralli laboratory with Maurizio’s Oven and Roby’s Bread.

From 4pm to 6pm, an expressive workshop by Stripes, in search of minute hidden signs of the elements that inhabit nature.

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