Basalioma, the symptoms of skin cancer and how to avoid scars-

by time news
Of Vera Martinella

Also affected Valentina Ferragni. The hypothesis of a study: keep the lesion under control and intervene only if necessary to avoid scarring on the face. Those who are older in age, are exposed to a lot of the sun and have fair skin, are more at risk

It’s a “good” tumor because it’s not very aggressivehas a ‘very slow evolution it is rarely lethal and is simple to cure. However, it is very common, it is estimated that it is the most common type of cancer in the population, and generally affects very visible and delicate areas, such as the face. The cases of illustrious patients, such as the actor, also testify to this Hugh Jackman operated on the nose several times or the recent photographs posted by Valentina Ferragni
of his scar on his forehead. The basal cell carcinoma (also known as basalioma) does not inspire much fear and, precisely because of its characteristics, the scientific community wonders if it can also not be treated. The “watchful waiting”, or active surveillanceis the hypothesis put forward in a study recently published in the scientific journal JAMA Dermatology by American scientists from the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Texas.

Wait and avoid scarring

“It is a strategy that has already been successfully used for certain types of prostate cancer – he explains Mario Santinami, director of the Melanomas and Sarcomas Structure at the National Cancer Institute of Milan

-, so small and low-risk for progression that they are thought to be kept under control only and do not need immediate care. In this way, patients can continue to go about their daily activities without having to face the ones that are the most frequent and feared side effects of therapiesWhich incontinence and erectile dysfunction. In the case of basalioma they could avoid unsightly scars or operations that, although not very invasive, could be complicated in certain people such as the elderly ». Active surveillance is a well-defined program that involves, in selected patients, to do regular checks to intervene only if and when the disease evolves, thus postponing any unwanted consequences of treatment. An option that has been in practice for years for men with prostate cancer, but is also being considered in other areas of oncology. The results of the first trials in patients with basal cell carcinoma, reported and discussed in JAMA Dermatology, are encouraging, but these are still initial investigations which, before becoming definitive, must be investigated and tested on much larger numbers of people.

Beware of the sun

«We need to weigh the risks and benefits well, for patients and for the health system – comments Santinami – because removing a basalioma is inexpensive for both, unlike removing a prostate cancer. In recent years, new effective drugs have been studied for the basalioma in place of the scalpel: they are pills or creams to be applied directly on the lesion that can cure the tumor, saving the unwelcome marks that operations can leave “. This neoplasm is directly related to sun exposure and more common in those who spend many hours outdoors: for example, sailors and fishermen, farmers, construction workers. “This is why it occurs mainly in the areas of the body most exposed to ultraviolet radiation, such as the face, neck, scalp, chest, back, arms or legs – he explains Paolo Ascierto, director of the Melanoma Oncology Unit, Oncological Immunotherapy and Innovative Therapies of the National Cancer Institute Pascale of Naples
-. Definitive healing is almost always achieved with only surgical removal, rarely has an aggressive behavior, resistant to treatment and tends to relapse “.

Who risks the most?

«Who has the skin and the light eyes, typical of people most susceptible to sun damage – answers Ascierto -. The chances of developing cancer increase withadvancing in agealso due to the cumulative effect of exposure to radiation that is “stored” over the years, and with burns: ultraviolet rays (natural or from tanning lamps) damage the DNA of skin cells, especially when you get burned, and cause genetic mutations which, in the long run, can lead to the formation of a tumor ».

I sintomi

To recognize it, you have to pay attention injuries that don’t heal, bleed or appear inflamed for many days. It generally manifests itself as one small skin erosionwith barely raised margins, often covered by a crust which tends to fall and reform. As for all skin cancers, a timely diagnosis is always possible with simple dermatological observation, possibly supplemented by a biopsy.

March 2, 2022 (change March 2, 2022 | 20:10)

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