Mustafa Suleyman Biography – FASTWEBPLUS

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The name of Mustafa Suleyman is certainly known to anyone who deals professionally with artificial intelligence. The entrepreneur is in fact known internationally, both for the foundation of DeepMind that for his revolutionary work within Google.

Today Mustafa Suleyman is at the top of a new Microsoft department dedicated to research and AI solutions development. So now more than ever, you have the opportunity to shape the future impact technology will have on the lives of millions of people.

Get to know the Suleyman biography helps to understand the philosophy of the man and the professional, always committed to an ethical use of artificial intelligence.

What Mustafa Suleyman studied and how he founded DeepMind

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Just look superficially at the Mustafa Suleyman biography to observe a first, very important fact: the British entrepreneur, in only 40 years of lifehas achieved a series of simply impressive professional successes.

Born into a family that was far from wealthy, Suleyman attended the state schoolsduring which he met Demis Hassabi: a key figure in his life, even if he couldn’t know it yet.

Suleyman himself was accepted at Mansfield College, Oxfordbut he decided to drop out of school at 19 and, already in 2001, began the entrepreneurial career by setting up a telephone counseling service.

In the early years as a professional Mustafa Suleyman has collected very different experiences: first responsible for human rights policies of the Mayor of London Ken Livingstone; then founder of a consultancy firm dedicated to the management of social issues.

Mustafa Suleyman’s biography describes a professional capable of ranging between very different fields: from consultancy to social, passing through AI

So, in the 2010the step that would change his life forever: the decision to to found together with Hassabis DeepMinda company dedicated to the research and development of solutions machine learning e artificial intelligencewhich would have been a resounding success.

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One of the first works DeepMind’s was dedicated to a seemingly frivolous topic like videogames: teach an AI to win games of Space Invaders, Pong and other gaming classics from the 70s and 80s.

Nonetheless, DeepMind’s studies have produced such surprising results that convince Google to acquire the company in 2014, for approximately 500 million dollars: a real European record for the time.

In the following years Mustafa Suleyman was involved in integrate solutions of artificial intelligence developed by DeepMind to the main Google productswithout losing sight of his personal humanitarian vocation.

In fact, in 2016 it was created DeepMind Healthin direct collaboration with the Royal Society of Medicine: a department dedicated to the development of technologies available to the English National Health Service and its partners.

What does Mustafa Suleyman do at Microsoft?

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The main one success of Mustafa Suleyman driving DeepMind is, in all likelihood, the application of algorithms Of machine learning for the data center cooling Of Google: a solution that evaluated billions of possible combinations and led to both a reduction of approximately 40% of energy usedboth to a Improving energy efficiency of Google’s structures about 15%.

Nevertheless, Suleyman was placed on leave in 2019because of allegations of mistreatment moved by some of its employees. Three years later, the farewell to Google becomes definitive and Mustafa Suleyman founds a new venture dedicated to artificial intelligence named Inflection AI.

Inflection AI’s mission was allow humans to talk to computers using natural language and its chatbot by name Pipresented in 2023, hits the mark perfectly.

As the new “head” of AI at Microsoft, Mustafa Suleyman can help solve some of today’s biggest problems

It is therefore not surprising that, in March 2024, Microsoft choose your own Suleyman come CEO of a newborn baby unit dedicated to artificial intelligence. Especially if one considers the contextual assumption of different other member of Inflection AI.

Mustafa Suleyman’s New Strategic Role will direct the way Microsoft works on the topic of artificial intelligence and it is reasonable to assume that his choices will have a global impact.

In this sense it is interesting to note how Suleyman continues to have a ethical approach towards AI. On the one hand, it is aware of the revolutionary scope of thetechnological wave that is crashing down on the world.

On the other hand he is convinced that a effective use of technology may contribute to the resolution of some of the major problems of contemporaneity: starting from chronic diseasesuntil reaching the climate crisis.

What Mustafa Suleyman thinks about artificial intelligencebusiness


Mustafa Suleyman has always been interested in a virtuous and ethical use dell’artificial intelligence and is constantly engaged in activities of dissemination and orientation on the topic. But not only.

Suleyman has taken the initiative several times to highlight the responsibility of technology and of his impact on the world of work. Consider in this sense the foundation of Partnership on AIan organization that brings together the main international tech giants: Yes Google a Microsoftpassing through Apple, Meta, IBM and the same DeepMind.

Partnership on AI is a non-profit organizationwhich invites its members to go beyond the competition: to study AI together and identify the most effective strategies so that theAI has a positive impact on people’s lives and on society as a whole.

Finally, in the 2023Solomon ha published his first book dedicated to the impact of artificial intelligence. The text, called “The Coming Wave”, It has been translated all over the world and has been nominated by the Financial Times to the prize Business Book of the Year.

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