Nuremberg: Trial of Judges and Jurors

by time news

2024-09-26 10:02:39

TRIBUNE – Nuremberg and its trials, the continuation of the part 1 etc 2

The accused”examination of judges and juries » they were accused of having, according to the American lawyer Telford Taylor, “turned the German judicial system into a machine of cruelty, conquest, plunder and massacre”1. The fire in the Reichstag, on the night of February 27 to 28, 1933, was, for Hitler, a pretext for the suppression of basic freedoms and control over the German judges who now had to swear to the Führer. Does this prevent them from resisting the Nazi dictatorship? Absolutely not and this is what the case of Lothar Kreyssig shows, “only one among judges and prosecutors to show resistance”2. The intense collaboration of the judges with the Nazi war machine, which led them to shamelessly commit “murder, persecution on political, racial and religious grounds, exile and imprisonment, confiscation of private property, torture”3, led to the American judges said: “This Court cannot accept enough to believe that these defendants are so stupid that they do not know what is going on… The killer’s sword was hidden under the judge’s robe 4. This will not, however, encourage them to impose exemplary sentences on the defendants in this judgment; on the contrary, they were extremely light. Moreover, these “convicts”, for purely political reasons, were all released at the beginning of the Cold War, and were able to continue their evil work within the FRG, with complete impunity, as shown by research published in 2016 only. In the introduction to this study published by the Ministry of Justice, Minister Christine Lambrecht will announce: “Of the 170 lawyers who held administrative positions between 1949 and 1973, 90 belonged to the NSDAP and 34 to the SA. More than 15% of them even worked in the Ministry of Justice of the Nazi Reich before 1945. These figures clearly show why the prosecution of Nazi crimes was prevented for a long time, why the punishments of victims go unnoticed for too long. a long time and why many groups of victims – such as homosexuals or Sinti (Rome group) and Roma – have also been discriminated in the Federal Republic. »5 Unlike Goebbels who believed that “when making his decisions, the judge must proceed more from the law than from the basic idea that the criminal must disappear from the area”6, he called on modern judges to “put in internal and external needs. of our Basic Law – human dignity, freedom and diversity. », and he added “The knowledge of History allows us to consider the issues of violation of human rights and the rule of law today. […] Every German lawyer should know the dark sides of his past work in order to realize the great responsibility he bears for the present and the future. »5

Four years after this announcement, the health crisis gives German judges a great opportunity to implement these recommendations and show the world that they have, indeed, learned the lessons of the past. If the results to date have not lived up to expectations, The follow-up they will give to the scandal caused by the recent disclosure of the “RKI Files” (#RKIFiles – Germany – RKI files deserve Federal Cross of Merit | FranceNight) will allow us to know whether or not they are now aware of the “great” responsibility that is theirs to current and future generations.

Examination of the military high command (1947-1948)

On the occasion of “test of military high command”WHO organization Regarding the 14 defendants whose sentence was very light in view of the crimes perpetrated by the Wehrmacht, in Poland and on the Russian front in particular, and of the releases they anticipated, Philippe Valode recalls that other senior officers, perhaps they are not worried, or experienced instead. we die tomorrow after the war. So there you go GeneralFieldMarshall Erich von Manstein. Alleged massacre of civilian population (including Crimea when he ordered 11Th army), he was tried by the British in 1949 and sentenced to 18 years in prison. Released in 1953 he began to write his memoirs; published in 1955, and they contributed heavily to thethe myth of a Wehrmacht copywhen the reality was something different. Named military adviser to Konrad Adenauer as part of the creation of the Bundeswehr, he died peacefully on June 10, 1973, at the age of 85, and was buried with military honors.

To continue: the examination of important industrial operators

1 “The 12 Forgotten Nuremberg Trials” Philippe Valode, ed. du Rocher, 2023, page 131 2 Ibidem, page 159 3 Ibidem, page 133 4 Ibidem, page 156 5 Ibidem, page 158 6 Ibidem, page 132

#Nuremberg #Trial #Judges #Jurors

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