What does the new law on organic farming provide

by time news

Time.news – Italy focuses on bio. The law that provides for new provisions for the protection, development and competitiveness of organic agricultural, agri-food and aquaculture production has been definitively approved by the Senate. Approved at first reading by Montecitorio, then fired with amendments by the Senate, the unified text of the bills on organic production was again approved by the Chamber with further amendments and has now received the final ok for Palazzo Madama.

During the process in the Chamber, the Chamber accepted the perplexities expressed by the scientists, doubts and criticisms that had been heard by the head of state. And so the protection of biodynamic agriculture, which was initially equated to organic farming, was eliminated from the text.

Among the main innovations is the definition of organic production as an activity of national interest, with the recognition of a social and environmental function. The technical table for organic production was then established and the Italian organic brand was born for those organic products obtained from Italian raw materials.

A national action plan

Moreover, a national action plan for organic production and organic products and a national plan for organic seeds are envisaged. Finally, the Fund for the development of organic production was established, fed by the annual contribution, to the extent of 2 per cent of the turnover of the previous year, by the companies holding the marketing authorization of certain plant protection products considered harmful for the ‘environment.

The text expands the range of products subject to the contribution, including those whose code indicates a pollution hazard for the aquatic environment. The introduction of penalties in the event of non-payment of the contribution is innovative. The use of genetically modified organisms in organic production is prohibited, as is the use of the terms “organic” or “bio” for products accidentally contaminated by genetically modified organisms.

Organic production is defined as an activity of national interest with a social and environmental function. The National Authority on the subject is the Minister of Agricultural, Food, Forestry and Tourism Policies, called upon to carry out guidance and coordination activities at national level for the implementation of European legislation.

The regions and autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano are then identified as competent local authorities, which are called upon to carry out the technical-scientific and administrative activities of the sector.

The text establishes the technical table for organic production, which is entrusted with the task of outlining guidelines and defining the priorities for the national action plan for organic agriculture; express opinions on national and European measures; propose promotional activities; as well as identifying strategies to encourage the entry and conversion of conventional farms to organic.

The Italian organic brand is born for those organic products obtained from Italian raw materials. The interventions of the National Action Plan for organic production and organic products include:

  • the facilitation of conversion to organic, with particular reference to small agricultural businesses;
  • support the establishment of associative and contractual forms to strengthen the organic supply chain;
  • encourage organic farming through consumer information and education initiatives;
  • monitor the trend of the sector;
  • encourage the establishment of new organic farms in mountain rural areas;
  • improve the control and certification system;
  • provide for the consumption of organic products in public and private canteens under the agreement; encourage research.

Development fund established

The measure establishes the Fund for the development of organic productionfueled by the annual contribution to the extent of 2 per cent of the previous year’s turnover, by the companies holding the marketing authorization for certain plant protection products considered harmful to the environment.

The text expands the range of products subject to the contribution, including those whose code indicates a pollution hazard for the aquatic environment. The introduction of penalties in the event of non-payment of the contribution is innovative.

It is expected that, even within the organic supply chain, network contracts can be stipulated and cooperatives established between organic producers. The promotion of specific training courses in public universities, the allocation of part of the resources of the activity of the National Research Council (Cnr) to research in the biological field, the provision of specific research actions in the three-year plan of the Council for the agricultural research (Crea) as well as the allocation of 30 per cent of the resources of the Fund for the development of organic agriculture to research in the sector.

It also focuses on the promotion of professional training in the sector and allows the creation of organic districts, in which organic production is significant (among the possibilities the creation of group certification forms, inter-professional organizations, organizations of organic producers). The use of genetically modified organisms in organic production is prohibited, just as it is not permitted to use the terms “organic” or “bio” for products accidentally contaminated by genetically modified organisms.

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