existing obstacle to return in 62, the project served?

by time news

2024-09-26 07:07:48

While a bill to cancel retirement at 64 will be considered in the National Assembly, a return to the old rules seems to have been defeated.


This is one of the hot topics of the new government: what future for pension reform? Agreed with the power forces, with 49.3, in the spring of 2023, the new provisions regarding the end of the working age and different methods are still in the hot seat. At the beginning of July, the left-wing coalition of the New Popular Front won the most seats in the National Assembly and, at the other end of the spectrum, the National Rally was shown as the party taking, on its own, the most representatives . . What do the two have in common? Desire to cancel pension reform. In the streets, the groups want to continue the fight against the starting age set at 64.

However, after weeks of negotiations, Emmanuel Macron chose a Prime Minister from the Republicans (4 political power in the Assembly) and a government with members of his Coalition (Renaissance -ex-LREM-, MoDem, Horizons, etc.) and LR. So many ministers who supported the bill were criticized.

However, it is unlikely that the pension reform will change in the coming months. Michel Barnier, the head of the government, said he wanted to “take time to improve the reform”, while his Labor Minister, Astrid Panosyan-Bouvet, said she was in favor of “making a new pension reform maybe more sustainable for all and respond to concerns that may arise, especially among women. “

RN proposed a law to repeal the amendment

The fate of the current pension reform can be decided next Wednesday, October 31. On that day, we will examine a bill in the National Assembly: a “PPL” “intended to restore the pension system better by canceling the new reforms related to the retirement age and the number of taxes” . Supported by RN representatives, this issue aims to return to the old pension rules.

Marine Le Pen and her colleagues in the Chamber want to bring back the age of selection to 62 years from the generation of 1955 (instead of 64 years from the generation of 1968) and back to 42 years of contributions from the generation of 1961.

On paper, this idea has something to appeal to the future positions: those of the old FN and those of the NFP, the left also campaigned for the reform. The accumulation of representatives from these establishments will make it possible to get 319 votes, i.e. a majority. A red carpet for the return of retirement at 62? Not sure, political war is inevitable.

The Communist Party, enthusiastically at the beginning, has aired possible support for the RN, while the LFI is campaigning more to change its back, not its own position and to propose reform in Social Security funding. PS announced that he will not vote for the matter, he wants the position of Insoumis. For environmentalists, making an agreement with the fire brigade seems unthinkable.

If the majority of the participants in the vote is enough to pass the first stage of the law, the Macronist-LR camp should join forces in a vote against the RN proposal. It’s hard to imagine the retirement age going back to 62. Even if wealth gets the majority in the Bourbon palace, the Senate (with a majority of LR) will still have to approve it in turn, even if it’s the Assembly that has wealth last. Ambition – although possible – risks falling into the wall of political realism.

Reformed…redone by a new government?

Throughout the interminable political soap opera, the question of the future of pension reform arises. Above all, we examined the opinion of the new ministers on the matter. On his appointment, Michel Barnier said he was in favor of “opening the debate” with the aim of “improving” the issue, without “calling everything into question.” Prime Minister” see[t] initiate progress, but respect the budget process.” Understandably: minor reforms yes, return to 62 years, no.

The same story with the new Labor Minister, Astrid Panosyan-Bouvet. The latter appealed to “reform the new pension perhaps more sustainable for everyone and respond to the concerns that may have arisen, especially among women.” If you vote in favor of the reform in 2023, the former MP for Paris is important for the simplification of the strict requirements set by the Macronists, judging that the changes have gone “too far”.

Therefore, the person who played a central role in rolling out the red carpet for Uber for its arrival in France, and Michel Barnier, can therefore, in the coming weeks, partially reopen the pensions file: stress, women’s jobs as well as long-term projects will be the main points that are re-examined. Not knowing, at this stage, what could lead to these new arguments.

#existing #obstacle #return #project #served

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