Dream red carpet

by time news

First red carpet as an actress for Giulia De Lellis at the latest Venice Film Festival. The influencer and entrepreneur presented the short film 101% – Love in the time of social media, by Rai Cinema and One More Pictures, directed by Serena Corvaglia, at the Lido. “It was like living a daydream – he says –. A professionally super stimulating experience, among many great professionals”.

In the short film she plays the role of Teresa. Do you have any traits in common?

“Teresa is very close to her roots, to her brother – who after her parents’ death became her only family – and to her friends. In this we are really very similar. However, she lives in an all-encompassing relationship with an older man who influences her existence and this is what divides us love I have never let myself be influenced.”

He has stated on several occasions that he comes from a very solid and united family. Is there anyone you feel you owe more to?

“I wouldn’t say so. My parents, my grandmother – who I grew up with – my aunts, were equally important. Each of them helped me in their own way to become the person I am.”

She offers a strong and determined image of herself. Do you ever give in to insecurity?

“As a good Capricorn, I am very centered and I know what I want, but I too have fragilities and weaknesses, which I struggle to share with others.”

Influencer, entrepreneur and now actress. How do you see your professional future?

“(smiles) First of all, I would like to become a mother as soon as possible, which is to all intents and purposes a job. The task of a parent is very difficult. Then I would like to continue with the business linked to my beauty line – which allows me to exercise creativity – and with acting. A profession that poses questions and asks us to seek answers.”

A character or story you would like to bring to the screen?

“Someone very different from me. Teresa from 101% -. Love in the time of social media resembles me in some ways. In my debut I played an influencer, now I would like to launch myself into a new challenge, perhaps playing a dramatic role”.

Is there anyone who inspires you?

“I have a lot of respect for Alessandra Mastronardi. I always find her perfect on set and I have had the opportunity to appreciate her kindness and helpfulness towards everyone.”

How do you experience social media in private?

“Today I can say in a healthy way. I have learned to make good use of it, to be less ‘compulsive’ and to detach myself from my cell phone when necessary. Social media is a constant temptation, we tend to constantly seek their company. It is easy to let ourselves be swallowed up” .

Work, love, family and children. Put them in order of importance.

“Family – which for me includes love, children, friends and relatives – certainly comes first. Then the work on which I am dependent. Although, as a recent achievement, I have learned the art of taking breaks.”

What does he do in his free time?

“I try to be with the people I love and who are important to me as much as possible. And I go to the gym.”

What relationship does it have with her beauty?

“Some days I like myself more, others less, as happens more or less to everyone. The female component in my family is predominant, so I have always found it natural to take care of myself, not only from an aesthetic point of view, but by placing also pay attention to psychological and physical well-being, given the job I have chosen.”

In the past he topped the charts with the book ‘Horns Look Good on Everything’. What do you think about betrayal?”

“It is a deep wound that changes those who suffer it forever. I believe that the success of the book is linked precisely to the fact that it is a painful experience that almost everyone goes through.”

After a period that she herself defined as difficult, it is said that she is finally serene and in love.

“After difficult months, due to family concerns that were fortunately resolved, I am experiencing wonderful sensations. Sensations that, out of good luck, I still prefer to keep to myself. I don’t want to make any more mistakes.”

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