”He cries in my heart…”

by time news

The first heartbreak, this great classic of life, is often perceived as a universal catastrophe after which we believe that the world is collapsing and that nothing will ever make sense again. However, it is an almost obligatory passage, a stage where we realize that love, as intense and magical as it may be, is not always eternal.

Dear you,

So, that’s it, you’re part of the big club of broken hearts. The one you thought you’d never have to walk through the door of, right? Ah, I can see it clearly from here! You told yourself that nothing could ever separate you, that you were made for each other, and that, unlike everyone else, you were going to defy the laws of the universe of lovers.

And tell me, have you already imagined the first names of your future children? Admit it, you’ve discussed it at least once. It’s classic, but still effective. And how many children already? Two, three, even four if life allowed it, right? Come on, I bet you even considered the neighborhood you were going to live in. It’s funny how we’ve all been there. But there you go, life has this funny sense of humor, and here you are, crying, tissues in your hands, wondering how you’re going to survive.

Did you think your story would be different? Of course you thought so. This is the lot of every first love: we believe ourselves to be invincible, untouchable, and above all above everything that others experience. Maybe you thought this heartbreak would never happen to you. But that’s precisely the beauty of love: it is unpredictable, and sometimes, it knocks us down. Very high.

So, here you are, with your heart in pieces, thinking that you will never recover. You’re probably wondering how you could go from eternal love to total failure. And maybe you tell yourself that this is the end. But let me tell you something: it’s not. In fact, it’s more like the beginning. The beginning of a life lesson that we all must learn at one time or another.

You know what’s funny about all this? This is because you are experiencing exactly what millions of people before you have experienced. You thought you were special, that this pain was unique to you. But in fact, you have just joined the big club of broken hearts, a bit like receiving your lifetime membership card. Congratulations ! You now have access to juicy stories, moments of intense introspection, and above all, a good dose of dark humor when you think about it all later.

And believe me, you will laugh. Not right away, of course, but over time. Because you will see that what you are experiencing right now is just a stage. A small emotional storm in the big ocean of your life. Today, you think that you will never be able to get over it, but tomorrow, when you have a little perspective, you will understand that it was only the beginning of your learning. It’s your heart that grows, that learns to love differently, stronger, more deeply.

Well, that’s how love works. We throw ourselves headlong, our eyes full of stars, and sometimes we forget that reality is there to remind us that everything doesn’t always happen like in a movie.

So, I’m going to give you some valuable advice: take your time. Don’t rush into trying to pick up the pieces or looking for someone else to fill the void. Learn to live with this pain, because it will lessen with time. And you will see that, even if everything seems dark to you today, life always ends up smiling to those who know how to wait.

And then take courage, budding young romantic. After the rain, the good weather.

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2024-09-27 06:16:01

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