At Niguarda 400 transplants per year, even an artificial heart – Health and Wellbeing

by times news cr

(ANSA) – MILAN, SEPTEMBER 27 – Almost 400 organ transplants are carried out every year at the Niguarda Hospital in Milan. Two interventions were even more special, because they were based on technologies that further extend the possibilities of treatment. One is the first kidney transplant managed entirely by two surgical robots, the other is the use of an artificial heart which, installed in a patient’s chest, allowed him to save precious time while waiting for the actual heart transplant .
The two interventions were reported today during NiguarDAY, a day of free shows and concerts promoted by the hospital to raise awareness of the importance of organ donation. Testimonials of the event Reginald and Maggie Green, parents of Nicholas Green: exactly 30 years ago a bullet killed the child, aged just 7, during a holiday in Italy.
The family chose to donate their organs and the gesture contributed to sparking the culture of donation in our country.
“Behind every single transplant – explains Alberto Zoli, general director of Niguarda – hundreds of lives revolve every day: those of the donor’s and recipient’s families, but also those of the dozens of professionals who take care of the patient and who physically make the transplant possible. ‘intervention.
It is an unparalleled logistical, organizational, surgical and clinical effort: hospital, regional and national.”
“Thirty years ago – say Maggie and Reginald Green – Nicholas lost his future, but someone else could have that future thanks to him: we knew that was what he would have wanted. And we have never regretted it not even for a moment. However, there is a question that very few people ask themselves, and that is: what would I do if they asked me to donate the organs of someone I love? The campaign we have carried out for thirty years is based on this idea: it is much more likely that people donate organs if their minds are prepared for the choice.
But it’s not at all easy when a loved one suddenly dies: you have to make a decision on a rather scary topic that you had barely thought about. This is why we tell Nicholas’ story: our hope is that even in the shocking moments when death comes, people remember how moved they were when they read in the newspapers or saw on television the story of a family who had helped save strangers . And thanks to that, they make the right choice.” (ANSA).

2024-09-27 23:20:25

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