The talk about nuclear weapons is complete hysteria

by times news cr

2024-09-28 05:05:28

The talk about nuclear weapons is complete hysteria. This was stated by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres in New York.

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken described Russian President Vladimir Putin’s threats to use nuclear weapons as completely irresponsible, particularly in the case of massive air strikes against Russia, France Press reported.

“It’s completely irresponsible, and I think a lot of people around the world made that clear when he made the nuclear threat, including China in the past,” Blinken said on MSNBC.

Putin made the threat yesterday. He warned that his country could use nuclear weapons in the event of massive air strikes and that any attack backed by a nuclear force could be considered joint aggression.

“The fact that he is doing it now, while the whole world is gathered in New York, including to talk about the need for greater disarmament and for greater non-proliferation, will be very badly received in the world,” he said. Blinken.

Nuclear-weapon states must stop playing with the future of humanity, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said, calling on Russia and the United States to recommit to steps aimed at limiting such weapons.

“Never since the worst hours of the Cold War has the specter of nuclear weapons cast such a large shadow,” Guterres told a conference at the annual session of the UN General Assembly.

“Nuclear weapons tensions have reached their paroxysm. There are even threats to use nuclear weapons,” he said.

According to Guterres, the world has entered a form of deviation from normal. “Despite the enormous and existential risks these weapons pose to humanity, we are no closer to their extinction than we were 10 years ago,” Guterres said. “Frankly, we’re going in the complete opposite direction,” he said.

Guterres called on countries that have nuclear weapons to fulfill their commitments and respect their disarmament obligations.

“Until nuclear weapons are eliminated, these countries must commit not to use them under any circumstances,” Guterres stressed. “Furthermore, they must demonstrate greater transparency in all matters concerning these weapons.” , he said.

In February 2023, Putin announced that Russia would suspend its participation in the New Start nuclear disarmament treaty. He also threatened to carry out new nuclear tests if the US was the first to do so.

The treaty, signed in 2010, is the last bilateral agreement of its kind that linked the two powers.

“The United States remains ready to have a constructive dialogue with Russia on bilateral arms control and with China on concrete ways to limit nuclear weapons,” assured Mallory Stewart, assistant secretary of state, who attended the UN conference.

In addition, she emphasized that “in an unprecedented security environment, the United States recognizes the need to maintain a safe, secure and effective nuclear deterrent.”

In addition to Russia, the United States, France, the United Kingdom, and China, which officially possess nuclear weapons, North Korea, India, Israel, and Pakistan possess such weapons unofficially, and Iran is suspected of seeking to acquire such weapons.

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