by time news

2024-09-26 12:20:22

In many of my wanderings around, around the office, in some places I end up leaving the roots, in others I pass in moving and there are some “end of the world” that, from time to time, I spend more time than usual. and than I would have liked. As a rule, it goes back and forth: you arrive, do what you have to do, attract some attention and then leave. Most of the time not to return. The exception is when the job is long and I have to stay in a hotel, almost certainly not the most prestigious of establishments of its kind.

In a small town near the Central Plateau I spent a time visiting him regularly once a month; and having to stay there one night, almost always two, and to my dismay three or even four. The number 4 seems to appeal to me. I have defined the smallest hotel in the city (of which there are two) and to the benefit of my regular friend (at least outside), I became friends with the owner and always stay in room number 4, namely the most ideal: television. , private bathroom and a bed for the least reasonable. Two stars for most people, but about 5 stars for me, as I used to sleep in many pulgueiros out there.

Number 4 this season builds a relationship with Internacional. We went to two games away from home and we came back with 4 points, which strictly speaking would be a great result. Most of the fans seem satisfied and everyone would be like this if they had not been moved a little by the incredible possibility of a title or if it was not such a bad start to the national championship.

However, number 4 went further than the points obtained in the last two matches. Number 4 is, strictly speaking, our goal for the rest of this year, which has already seen its end. Our leader until a few days ago has to be in the popular, which according to my calculations does not have a total of 46 points. Actually, however, a number 4.

In football terms, only one team deserves to win and that is Internacional. We lost a countless number of opportunities, and we took a “those who didn’t make it, get it”, we returned and almost turned around again. And with the final result, I believe that we “empty” the adventurous hope for a title, that is dead and buried. And that’s also one of the reasons why we’ve been hitting targets for so long: the silly points we’ve left along the way.

After many confusions in recent times, at least it seems that no more will be created this time. And maybe this is, in fact, the important way. We need to find the right direction for the return of titles, however there will not be a new lottery of faith that we will have to overcome the rest of the bad luck that always appears in the final and important moments.

It is not enough to appear to have a team ready to be champions. You have to enter the space and win the truth.

Yesterday’s result, however bitter it may seem (and it is), should be a lesson so that, this time, we can satisfy ourselves properly with the hope of good football, the development of the team as a team, the recovery of the soul that prevails and has the effective construction of a new (next) period that has a beginning, middle and end with the same work. And make it work with results. Can Inter be respected as International again.

So that we can, as soon as finally, make the 4 numbers represent our longing who of Brazilian championship titles.

Better than a dream is living. Always.


– Professor Roger, yesterday, made some choices to be debated. However, it is impossible that of all the coaches who have been here during this administration, he is the one who has the best reading of what the field is saying;

– There is no doubt that we left two points in Bragança;

– Mercado’s injury is terrible in every way. And Rogel’s injury still brought us more loss;

– Igor Gomes is not a bad defender, but he is heavy and the time he spent without playing yesterday took its toll;

– Gustavo Prado second game playing on the right wing and again I liked what I saw. It’s a shame I didn’t score that goal in the end;

– If they implement VAR to provide outside in half a leg, I like football to return to darkness, as it was before;

– Valencia is disenchanted. Take advantage of this time to comply with the necessary rules to request music at Fantástico, this Sunday. I can tell you already that I can dance cumbia like no one else;

– Before you criticize me for the unexpectedness of the above text, there is no such thing. What we really have is the fact that we need to get out of the vicious circle of the last few moments, the only and only dream. In addition to the dream, it carries everything we want, far away.


Do we finally have a new Internacional on the scene?

Sunday is the day to fill Gigante and beat Povo Colorado! Come on, come on Interrr!!!



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