Less hygiene and less health for workers and citizens :: Work

by time news

The cleaning contract operators of the health districts of Siena, Arezzo and Grosseto are on a war footing.

The trade union organizations denounce the behavior of the South-East Health Company for the policies of reduction of services which, according to the unions, penalize workers contracted in the sanitization sector of the health districts. Reductions in working hours could lead to a decline in wages and quality of service. Despite requests for discussion, the South-East ASL has not yet responded. For this reason, the state of agitation was opened and the procedure for strike in essential services was initiated. The unions ask for the intervention of the Tuscany Region to start a constructive discussion that protects workers and citizens.

The note of FILCAMS CGIL provincial secretariats Siena, Arezzo, Grosseto:

“As trade union organisations, we DENOUNCE the behavior of the SOUTH-EAST HEALTH COMPANY which, in contempt of the many workers who work in the sanitation services of the health districts, adopts policies that reduce services by passing on the cuts to contracted workers.

By reducing working hours, wages and the quality of service will decrease!

During the meetings held with the companies that manage the cleaning service of the health districts, we were informed of the request by the SUD EST ASL to immediately reduce the service by up to 30% compared to the current one, in some cases this reduction would even be retroactive, all with heavy repercussions on employment.

A few weeks ago we went through the same ordeal due to the desire on the part of the SOUTH EAST ASL to proceed with heavy cuts to the territorial CUP service, only the intervention of the Tuscany Region prevented everything from erupting into an immediate clash, postponing thus to a serious, orderly and shared reorganization of the regional health service. Now here we go again with the cleaning of the outpatient and district services.

On the table of the SOUTH EAST ASL there are various requests for discussion that the trade union organizations have presented in recent months to clarify the criteria for the management and use of contracted services, all of which have remained unanswered.

For these reasons we have opened the state of agitation and started the procedure provided for by the rules regulating strikes in essential services.

We ask the Tuscany Region to intervene definitively; we ask to start a serious process of discussion in order to find a shared solution that protects both workers and citizens, we ask that it is not the contract workers who pay for everyone”.

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