Celebration in Washington of the glorious Throne Day

by times news cr

The ceremony was marked by the presence of several American personalities, members of the diplomatic corps accredited in the federal capital of the United States, senior figures from the political, economic, academic and media world as well as members of the Moroccan community residing in this country.

In a speech on this occasion, the Moroccan ambassador to Washington, Youssef Amrani highlighted the solid and unwavering bonds of allegiance which unite the Moroccan people to the Alaouite Throne, underlining in passing all “the strong symbolism and the charge of identity unique moment of communion for the Moroccan nation.

He also highlighted the various achievements accomplished by the Kingdom under the aegis of His Majesty King Mohammed VI during these 25 years of reign.

“Since His ascension to the Throne, the Sovereign has worked tirelessly to institute, accelerate and consolidate a series of political, economic and social reforms, leading Morocco, in a sustained march, towards the path of modernity, prosperity and influence,” he said, noting that these advances “constitute so many transformations which allow Morocco to pursue continuous progress which unites the nation around a common project, shared aspirations and development models in essence inclusive”.

It is, he said, a “permanent national rise which animates the destiny of the nation with a broader optimism”.

Addressing the Moroccan-American partnership, Mr. Amrani stressed that the “historical and centuries-old relations which link the Kingdom of Morocco and the United States of America constitute both an immutable achievement and an evolving process”.

He added that this partnership “rooted in time is constantly finding new vocations which confirm the strong strategic scope which governs all of our interactions”.

This unique alliance, established over more than two centuries of friendship, stands today as an exemplary model of successful and mutually beneficial coordination and collaboration.

“The friendship between Rabat and Washington reflects an exceptional continuum of trust and cooperation between two nations so close in their aspirations and commitments to peace and prosperity. The American recognition of Morocco’s sovereignty over its Saharan provinces is a culminating element of this convergence and mutual understanding which mark our relationship at all levels,” continued the ambassador.

He continued that “the year 2024 marks the 20th anniversary of the signing of the Free Trade Agreement between Morocco and the United States, reflecting the privileged interaction enjoyed by all stakeholders in this partnership. exception. »

“To this structural dynamic is added a political dialogue as close as possible to the respective priorities of our diplomacies,” said the diplomat, adding that “today, security cooperation and strategic dialogue with the United States remain the backbone of this partnership which, beyond the bilateral level, also and very often finds strong and broader resonance at the multilateral level.”

“These convergences are old and continue to solidify day by day. The joint military exercise “African Lion” which is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year is an eloquent example of this,” recalled the diplomat.

And to conclude that this dynamic of partnership reflects the Vision of His Majesty the King which makes the human dimension the finality and the primary objective of all the orientations defined by the Kingdom for its internal strategies and its diplomatic commitments.

During this ceremony, the American Deputy Minister in charge of International Trade, Marissa Lago, read the message from Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken on this occasion, emphasizing the importance of relations between the United States. United and the Kingdom of Morocco.

Recalling that Morocco is one of the oldest and closest friends of the United States of America, she welcomed the remarkable progress made in advancing this relationship over the past 25 years.

“This dynamic has not only strengthened our bilateral partnership, but has also elevated it to unparalleled levels of porosity,” noted the American official who expressed the recognition and appreciation of the United States for the leadership of His Majesty the King on a set of priority issues and questions.

2024-09-28 13:07:23

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