Demonstration concludes in the Zócalo due to rain, outbreak of fight and more

by times news cr

Go on live the march for him legal and safe abortion in Mexico City (CDMX)today September 28, 2024: The contingents head to the Zócalo, followed by the Ateneas Group, which shielded the buildings in their path.

The March in CDMX today September 28, 2024 is replicated in several cities in Mexico and Latin America in commemoration of the Global Day of Action for legal and safe abortion 28S.

As determined by the National Human Rights Commission, what is also known as the Day for the Decriminalization and Legislation of Abortion is celebrated every September 28 (28S) after the V Latin American and Caribbean Feminist Meeting in 1990.

March in CDMX for legal and safe abortion 28S: Protesters dispersed due to rain

Due to the rains in the Center of CDMXthe protesters of the march for legal and safe abortiondispersed around 4:56 p.m.

This was mentioned by the Road Orientation Center, which the march in CDMX concluded for legal and safe abortion 28S.

He CDMX Metrobus declared in turn that after concluding the march for legal and safe abortion 28S,

March in CDMX for legal and safe abortion 28S: Collectives arrive at the Zócalo

Even though he entrance to the Zócalo of CDMX through Madero It was closed and armored, the bus marched on 5 de Mayo Avenue to reach the Plaza de la Constitución.

The SSC Road Guidance Center reported that the march for legal and safe abortion 28S in CDMX arrived at the Zócalo around 4:20 p.m.

Likewise, he confirmed that the roads that the march for legal and safe abortion traveled on 28S in CDMXsuch as Avenida Juárez and Eje Central, normalized their circulation.

March in CDMX for legal and safe abortion 28S: Start of a fight in Hemiciclo a Juárez

In it Hemicycle to Juárez howevera start of a fight in the march for legal and safe abortion in CDMXwhen a member of the cannabis collective tried to take the shield from an SSC member.

In some images it was observed that the protesters scratched the shields of the Athenae groupHowever, the protesters intervened when an attempt was made to remove an object of protection, to avoid a greater conflict.

In it step of the march for legal and safe abortion On Avenida Juárez, it was observed that they stopped for a moment at the anti-monument, where they placed the well-known green bandanas.

March in CDMX for legal and safe abortion 28S: During the protest, women from the cannabis collective clashed with elements of the police in front of the Juárez Hemicycle (Graciela López Herrera / Cuartoscuro)

March in CDMX for legal and safe abortion 28S: Ateneas Group of the SSC is deployed on Paseo de la Reforma

Also prior to the start of the march in CDMX for legal and safe abortion 28Sthe Ateneas Group of the Secretariat of Citizen Security (SSC) was deployed along Paseo de la Reforma.

The police mobilization also prevented passage in areas such as El Caballito and Madero Street, in addition to mobilizing together with the participants of the March in CDMX for legal and safe abortion 28S.

However, the participants of the march in CDMX They painted on a fountain and marched shouting at the elements: “When they raped us, where were you?”

March in CDMX for legal and safe abortion 28S: They call on the government to decriminalize the right to decide

The groups also gave their position before starting the march in CDMX for legal and safe abortion 28Scalling for the State guarantee it effectively and free of charge.

For this reason, they made a call to continue mobilizing and achieve the legalization of abortion and guarantee the right to decidesince there can be no conformity to stop it from being clandestine to being precarious.

They also declared that they will not stop until they obtain the legalization of abortion at the national level and stopping it from being criminalizedsince the Congresses have not resolved this problem and deny the approval of the right to decide.

March in CDMX for legal and safe abortion 28S: They place a sign “Glorieta de las mujeres que struggling”

Prior to the start of the march in CDMX today, Saturday, September 28In front of the meeting point, the groups placed a sign: “Round of women who fight”.

Although the congregation meeting was scheduled for 12:00 p.m. Today, Saturday, September 28, the march in CDMX It began precisely from the Glorieta de las Mujeres que Luchan at exactly 2:00 p.m.

It was there in the Glorita of the Women Who Fight, on Paseo de la Reforma that both attendees and the 8M Coordinator began to arrive, protesting not only for legal and safe abortion.

March in CDMX for legal and safe abortion 28S: Several cities joined the protest

In addition to the CDMX, the march for legal abortion Several cities in Mexico joined the protest, as called on social networks by the different groups, some of them are:

  • State of Mexico
  • Tamaulipas
  • Queretaro
  • Michoacan
  • Tabasco
  • Aguascalientes
  • Veracruz
  • Yucatan
  • Hidalgo
  • Baja California
  • Colima

Other countries where it can be observed a march for safe abortion and free are Peru and Argentina.

2024-09-28 23:51:36

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