Family Tragedy in Nuoro: Father Kills Three, Injures Another in Shocking Shooting Incident

by time news

No reports or allegations of violence in the family context. Investigators are working to find the motive that triggered the murderous rage of Roberto Gleboni, a 52-year-old forestry worker with no prior convictions, who on September 25 around 7 a.m. fired several shots with a legally held .765 caliber pistol, killing his wife Maria Giuseppina Massetti, 43, his daughter Martina, 25, and his youngest son, 10, while another son, 14, was slightly injured, struck by the father’s stray gunfire.

After also shooting a neighbor, Paolo Sanna – who died in the hospital – the man reached his mother’s house, Maria Esterina Riccardi, and after attacking her and injuring her in the head with a gunshot, took his own life with the same weapon.

Family massacre in Nuoro, 4 dead and 3 injured

The massacre took place in two different homes. The first was in the apartment on Via Gonario Pinna where the murderer, after a family dispute, shot his wife, his 26-year-old daughter, and another son, injuring the third and then also a neighbor. The second was on Via Ichnusa, where the man injured his mother at home and then committed suicide. The injured were all transported by ambulances from 118 to the San Francesco hospital in Nuoro. The two streets where the massacre occurred have been sealed off by law enforcement.

The pistol used by the Nuoro forestry worker to carry out the massacre has been found. It is a .765 caliber pistol, legally held by the man, who was an avid gun enthusiast and possessed a firearms license. The pistol was at his elderly mother’s house, where Gleboni had gone after shooting his wife, three children, and a neighbor, intending to shoot his mother before taking his own life.

Family massacre in Nuoro: the murderer had a firearms license

Martina dedicated thesis to father, “the greatest love of my life”

Martina Gleboni, killed by her father Roberto at dawn along with her mother Giusy Massetti and her 9-year-old brother Francesco, with a third 14-year-old brother hospitalized, graduated in 2022 in Law and dedicated her thesis to her parents. “To my mother, who believed in us before I did. To my father, the greatest love of my life.” This is the dedication that the girl killed by her father made to her parents for the degree she obtained two years ago. A photo posted on her Facebook profile. In another post from a few years ago, on her mother’s profile, also killed by the Nuoro forestry worker, the two women are portrayed with the writing “No to violence against women” from ActIonaid.

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