Local Congress approves reform in favor of indigenous peoples

by times news cr

He Mexico City Congress unanimously approved the minute of reform to Article 2 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States on matters of rights of indigenous and Afro-Mexican peoples and communities; becoming the first to give the go-ahead.

The plenary session of the capital’s Congress unanimously approved this Wednesday, with 54 votes in favor, zero against and without abstentions, the minutes with the draft decree that reforms, adds and repeals the Article 2 of the Magna Carta, after which, he stated Martha Ávila Venturapresident of the Board of Directors, contributes from the legislative sphere to guaranteeing its cultural and collective identity.

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Ávila Ventura added that the approval recognizes the origin of the indigenous and Afro-Mexican peoples and communities, and their character as subjects of public law, the respect and application of their regulatory systems by their community authorities, thus respecting the individual guaranteeslos human rights and the dignity and integrity Women’s.

In a subsequent conference, in which deputies from the 4T benches were present, the coordinator of the Morena Parliamentary Group, Xochitl Bravohighlighted the coincidence of all the benches to approve the minutes.

“This minute was unanimously approved by all parliamentary groups; I think that this shows that when there is political will and people’s rights are put at the center, we can move forward in the correct way,” Bravo highlighted.

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Likewise, he stressed that the minutes sent by the president Andrés Manuel López Obrador to the Congress of the Union it was sent to the legislative bodies of the 32 federal entities, with the Congress of Mexico City being the first to approve it.

“We are happy and happy because it is a proposal from our president Andrés Manuel López Obrador and we have complied in the Congress of Mexico City in approving, as in the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate of the Republic, this modification to Article 2 ° Constitutional”, he expressed.

Bravo asserted that in this way a historical debt is settled by recognizing the cultural heritage, material e inmaterial of those who are part of the indigenous and Afro-Mexican peoples and communities, an idea with which the coordinators of the PVEM and PT benches, Jesús Sesma and Ernesto Villarreal, respectively, agreed.


2024-09-29 14:15:36

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