WADA Appeals Jannik Sinner’s Acquittal Amid Doping Case Controversy

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Italiener droht lange Sperre – Wada legt Berufung im Fall von Jannik Sinner ein – Sport – SRF

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Jannik Sinner is facing a possible suspension after his acquittal due to two positive doping tests. The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) is appealing to the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS).

WADA argued in its statement that the assessment of an independent court, which found Sinner to be without fault and negligence, was “not correct under the applicable rules.” They are requesting “a suspension of between one and two years.” However, Sinner’s results, who has won the Australian and US Open in 2024, will not be annulled.

The World No. 1 expressed he was “very disappointed and also surprised” by WADA’s move at the sidelines of the ATP tournament in Beijing. “I did not expect this,” said Sinner. However, he is convinced of his innocence.

Sinner was acquitted by the International Tennis Integrity Authority (ITIA) after testing positive twice for the banned substance clostebol in March. The 23-year-old Italian stated that a trainer used a clostebol-containing spray to treat a wound.

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