Alba Marcovecchio assures that it was the daughters of George Lanata who asked for “legal muzzle”

by time news

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wife of george lanata, alba marcovecchioThis Sunday the journalist’s will was referred to amid his delicate health condition. “The judge has removed the legal burden Which stopped the media from talking about George. The muzzle that his daughters requested. Not me. “I would never have requested a measure that George declares and defends every day as a journalist.”the lawyer said in a series of stories on his Instagram account.

However, in the judgment in which the judge Lucila Cordoba Asked not to mention the controversy in the media, the magistrate explained that the measure “was resolved afterSpontaneous presentation in the courtyard of Mrs. Alba Lorena Marcovecchio (…)”, when the lawyer described his spouse’s delicate state of health as well as his “great anguish over what is happening” She says she is in an “unsafe situation”.,

In this context, the judge ordered to “extend the prohibition established to expose, transmit or disseminate data, information or images that directly relate to Mr. Jorge Ernesto Lanata against his will by any means of communication or publication. or indirectly, when their dignity or reputation is harmed or which constitutes arbitrary or unlawful interference with their private life or family intimacy.

Failure with Alba Marcovecchio’s request

with song “High Dirt” Of andres calamaro In the background, Marcovcchio continues his defense: “I hope those who vilified my muzzle request will have the nobility to retract it”Shortly thereafter, the lawyer released screenshots of a writing showing how the bus driver’s daughters were ppt He requested legal proceedings that – he assured – were honored by Lanata’s “numerous media outlets and colleagues”.

Alba Marcovecchio’s stories on her Instagram account

“And that’s how the judge determined the media mask the request of George’s daughters,” he said, insisting: “Not me.” That proposal bears the signature of the Civil Family Judge Lucila Cordoba It reads: “Provided further that in the case, for the security purposes indicated, it matches Limit the exercise of the rights of information and expression, prohibit the display, dissemination or dissemination of data, information or images that allow directly or indirectly identifying Mr. Jorge Ernesto Lanata. By any means of communication or publication against their will, when their dignity or reputation is insulted or when they involve arbitrary or unlawful interference with their private life or family intimacy.

In this context, the journalist’s wife – who describes herself in her profile as “highly optimistic” – said: “The legal muzzle requested by the daughters “George merely tried to prevent me from defending myself against the false allegations against me.”In the decision, Córdoba noted: “In view of the above, I request that Ms. Marcovecchio and her lawyers be ordered to desist from continuing to disseminate in any press and communication media. (publication on television, graphics, radio, digital media and/or web pages), information that includes information relating to Mr. Jorge Ernesto Lanata, his image, privacy, family situation and the processing of this case.

Regarding the end of the series of publications, Marcovecchio reiterated: “I did not ask for a muzzle. The daughters asked for it. I did not ask for a determination of George’s competence. His daughters asked him. “I will never betray my husband’s wishes.”A few minutes later, he shared a photo from his wedding with Lanata and wrote: “The truth always comes face to face with you. I ask you to trust George’s will… and have the patience to wait for the trials.” And she concluded with a message dedicated to her husband: “I love you and I will continue to take care of you and do everything you ask of me.”,

Alba Marcovecchio attached screenshots of the decision

The uproar began after his daughters filed a lawsuit, which is being processed before the National Civil Family Court No. 8, in which they condemned Marcovecchio visited the Lanata department several times. Located on Esmeralda Street, the same building where she also lives, and He may have stolen both “cash” and “items of great economic and sentimental value”,

As above the daughters of Lanata accuse their father’s wife of Take advantage of the journalist’s insecuritiesWho, due to his state of health, could not intervene or be aware of the said actions. in the middle stolen goods they met High-end watches; Works of art and their respective certificates of authenticity; Jewelery and other important documents. Driver’s daughters state in the complaint that “Marcovecchio appeared at the journalist’s home on several occasions with people outside the family environment, and during those visits he removed these possessions without authorization.”

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