Parata Columbus Day Dallas. Oscar Renda Grand Marshal 2024

by time news

Paratha Columbus Day Dallas e Italian Festival for the tenth anniversaryil Committee he selected Oscar Renda Grand Marshal 2024.

Columbus Day Parade Dallas – Well-deserved recognition

Oscar Renda deserves this significant recognition – he declares Vincenzo ArcobelliChairman of the event – for the great contribution given to world of construction and for the community “.

Grand Marshal 2024

We are proud That Oscar Renda– he declares Jay Lombardo, Master of Ceremonies and member of the Organizing Committee – in the 2024 edition be the Grand Marshalamong personality prominent of Italian-American community.”

Oscar Renda, story of a successful entrepreneur

Oscar Renda it’s a successful entrepreneur, That he resides today a dallas, in Texas, proud of his Calabrian origins. Arrived in the United States In the 1956at the age of 8, from Calabria. Since he was a teenager he has done menial jobsfrom car valet to dishwasher, while learning the trade of carpenter.

Hitchhiking to Texas

While trying to move forward even in the South, at 14 years old worked in the industry constructionsand so on 17 years old led a team of pipe fitters. Despite the negative comments from school, he used the obstacles in front of him as opportunities for growth. But, a high school teacher empty it its potential, inspiring him to continue his studies at university. In the 1967 with a small baggage and through hitchhiking arrived in Texas. He was accepted into the wrestling team in North Texasallowing him to self-finance for the continuation of studies, majoring in Physical Education and with one specialization in American and Texas History in 1971.

Oscar Renda Contracting

In the summer of 1971got a job as team leader of pipe fitters for the DalStrom Construction Companywhich had won the contract for the construction of the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport (DFW). Nell’August of that year he was offered a I work at Northwest High School per teaching American History and coaching the football team. After not getting the head coach position to his second year, he resigned. He took a $13,000 loan, purchase and excavator John Deere e Oscar Renda Contracting fund in 1973. His brother Rudyand ACCOUNTING at the Price Waterhouse, he left his job Well yes joined him in 1974.

Big projects

Oscar and Rudy Renda started with earthmoving worksper then get to great works in major cities in Texasin 37 statesed in Canada. They have become the most major contractor in the United Statesexpanding into infrastructuretreatment of waste water, highways, tunnel e dredging. Between the most important projects there are the tunnel of San Franciscothe Lake Mead inlet structure and the ponte Tappan Zee a New York. They also manage the biosolidi for millions of people in the area DFW and in 22 other cities. Theirs best activity it was that bankingpossessing three banks. In the 2013they have handed over the construction business to their childrenwhich last year they have listed the company on the New York Stock Exchange.

Today Oscar Renda still manages l’Environmental Company and a ristorante calabreseas a retired hobby.

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