Anti-covid and flu vaccinations will begin tomorrow in Lazio – Health and Wellbeing

by times news cr

(ANSA) – ROME, SEPTEMBER 30 – The anti-Covid, anti-flu and anti-pneumococcal pneumonia vaccination campaigns start on October 1st, which are open to the segments of the population foreseen by ministerial recommendations. For the anti-Covid 19 vaccination – whose vaccine will be available with over 500 thousand doses and the possibility of a further increase – it is possible to go directly to the hospitals and centers of local health authorities, hospitals, polyclinics and hospitalization institutions and scientific care. Precious will be the contribution, right from the start, of general practitioners, who will subsequently be joined by community pharmacies.
The anti-Covid 19 vaccination is available for the entire population, and recommended as a priority for those over 80, guests of long-term care facilities, people with high fragility, in particular those with marked compromise of the immune system, health and social care workers .
In the next few days, the usual online booking services on the regional website and telephone requests for home vaccination will also be made available. Also from October 1st, the flu vaccination campaign is aimed mainly at the over 60s, frail people and children up to 6 years of age; while the anti-pneumococcal pneumonia campaign is mainly for the benefit of frail people and the elderly. The organizational machine was planned before the summer and is ready to go, confirming Lazio among the leading vaccination regions. Our Region, in fact, is among the first in Italy to have purchased doses to support the anti-flu campaign, for which one million and 305 thousand vaccines have been available since last June with the possibility of an increase. (HANDLE).

2024-10-01 00:36:39

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